George W. Bush's Vice President??

Ed Brunner

New member
For about a year I have been predicting that the GOP nominees for 2000 would Be G.W. Bush and J.C. Watts. My wife says GW is in but JC is out.
What do you think?
Who will be the VP nominee?
No prize except bragging rights!

Better days to be,

My money is on Dan Quayle for veep. Yes, again. Second guess would be Mrs. Junior.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
I like Dan Quayle and am particularly impressed with his wife, Marylyn, but Dan has said that he wouldnt be VP again.If he were nominated for #1 Id vote for him.
You never can tell.

Better days to be,

How about Sen Fred Thompson??? Another Tennessee

Don't forget that they pull 'ol Gen Colin Powell out of the hat again....

Or how about Bush Jr. and Bush , Jeb...

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Don't know their names, but my money is on a Governor of a large (pop., electorial college votes) eastern or southern state to "balance" the ticket.

Sen Thompson, whom I really like, I think is somewhat out of favor at the moment with the RNC honchos.
There is some talk in PA about our Gov. being interested in being VP. If you want some info on him it can be found at:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A decorated Vietnam veteran, Gov. Ridge was drafted into the
United States Army after his first year at the Dickinson School of
Law in Carlisle. He served as an infantry staff sergeant in
Vietnam between 1969 and 1970, where he was decorated for bravery
with the Bronze Star for Valor, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry
and the Combat Infantry Badge. Upon his return from Vietnam, he
completed his law studies at Dickinson and received his JurisDoctorate in 1972.[/quote]

Quite a change from our current Prez. On the other hand he has been silent about gun rights. But then our state constitution says: "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned." Article 1, Section 21.

By the way, PA has the third largest number of Electoral College votes behind CA and NY.


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited June 28, 1999).]
Correct me if Im wrong,but the last time I lived in PA,I seem to recall Tom Ridge as a bit liberal.
Of course you could be right.
I think GW will pick a mayor or maybe a member of the house. I dont think he wants anybody too high profile or with obvious aspirations.
I think he probably has the high electoral vote states tied up already.Im thinking more along the lines of a vote-getting ethnic or racial minority. Probably not a woman and no one more flashy or prettier than GW.
Buy then what do I know?

Better days to be,

Talk in our parts of the woods(Michigan) is that our govenor BIG John Engler is still in the running for a VP for Bush. Engler cut taxes with the money he stole from our public schools and he personally just killed our CCW reform bill because he didn't think it would sit well with his national appeal.
Thanks John. I really don't care for him.
I've listened to a bunch of poly-tick-ers during my years, and have gotten to where I watch body language as much as listen to the words. I gotta say that J.C. Watts stands out in my mind more than a whole bunch of folks. There are others who may do just fine as Veep and future Pres material, but there is just something about the kid that's real impressive to me.

One thing for sure, it'll be a lot harder for the liberal part of the press to slander him than, say, Quayle or Thompson...Or any House supporters of impeachment. Don't think it won't get vicious!

Here's my choice...

President Pat Buchannon... A proven anti-establishment guy, pro-constitutionalist, and he can play by the "rules". Has that "get in your face" attitude. Right the wrong, Pat.

Vice President Theodore (Tedly) Nugent... A proven anti-establishment, pro-constitutionalist, NRA Director, plays by his own rules. He'll have to go the the Capital Hill barber though, but he can bring his guitar. Come on Ted, enough talk, get in there and change things back the way they're supposed to be.
Jim Keenan: While I have mostly the same views on morals as Buchanan, a strong desire to enact one's morals into law is a part of our problem with the gun-control folks.

I'm just real dubious that his professed economics policies would be good for the country. They may well have worked some thirty years back, but they don't seem to fit the facts of today's world.

Separately, I've never really been able to come to a decision whether the country is better off with a smart crook or a just-average honest guy, for President.