George Bush, Jr and the Church Shooting

I'm undecided on my support for 2000 Pres election, but GB needs our support now!

CNN just did a story of his response. He stated that new laws are not the answer...people must obey a "Higher Law". He's taking flack from CNN already for signing a 1997 revision to the CCW Bill which allows carry in Churches that do not post a ban.

Wayne Slater from the Dallas Morning News did a great job of defending him by saying, in effect: "The Governor signed a Bill that would allow Churches and Synagogues to make the decision as to whether their members should be allowed to carry firearms at services." He went on to say that the shooter was not a CCW holder and, therefore, was acting illegally.

Bernie Shaw heard none of it and asked incredulously, "Why would the Governor ever want to allow people to carry guns in church?", as though Bush's signature allowed this guys to bring the firearms into Church.

Bernie stated that Bush is gonna take some real "heat for this". Huh?

If I've got any of the details incorrect, revisions are welcome. In the meantime mail, phone, fax and email your support to George Bush today.
Anyone have the contact details?

No, but if you get them please forward...typical of Shaw. I don't think he ever got his panties out of a wad after going through the opening salvo in that Baghdad hotel.

Coming from Bernie "the traitor" Shaw, this does not surprise me. Here is a man that is so far left Stalin and Lenin are on his right (IMHO)... I have no respect for this man after the Gulf War. And I don't believe a thing he says ...

(want me to tell you what I really think about him? :) )

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!
You know, if you really want to help GWB and the rest of the Republicans you would write CNN and tell them you will never again tune in to their broadcast because of their obvious bias, and that you will boycott their sponsors, after telling the sponsors why. If even a small portion of the conservatives would lose their news addiction CNN would be forced to change their ways, or go out of business.

But, I'm sure that plan will be hailed as unfeasible by the news junkies.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
I also heard Mr. Bush say in reference to this shooting that anyone selling a firearm to this man should be held accountable. Now, maybe I'm just reading between the lines too much, but statements like that bother me. A number of years ago in Florida, a man walked into a store and threw gasoline on everyone and on the floor. He then lit the gas and burned everyone alive. Should the guy who sold him the gas be charged and sentenced for selling gas to a man who used it for unlawful purposes?

Mr. Bush's Dad signed one of the most restrictive gun laws in history up to then. I commend his son and acknowledge what you say he has done, but I take everything that he says w/ two grains of salt. His Dad was considered pro-gun by many. I don't think so. Maybe we need to find out more about this man who wants to be the most powerful individual in the entire world. Like-father-like-son? I hope not.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
The addy is

I agree that we have to support GW in this last episode. Isn't it ironic that this occured in Texas, and just when the congress was to take up this gun control again?


[This message has been edited by CHAINSAW (edited September 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by CHAINSAW (edited September 16, 1999).]
Rich, I don't get CNN at home, wouldn't watch it if I did, but I will try to track down some of their advertisers. Just hafta find a buddy with a satellite dish. ;)
Let me tell you, I watched CNN yesterday and they were calling for the confiscation of all handguns. Not only that they made a mockery of our beliefs and distorted the second amendment to heights unimaginable. I think sending CNN some mail disaproving of their bias is an excellent Idea but will it work? I've noticed that many of thier broadcasters are liberal to the bone. What about asking them to have the average american gun owner, us, on their show, instead of all these bias political analyst. The only true News you can trust is Fox News, at least they show both sides of the argument.
Your correct, of course. But we need to draw the battle lines one skirmish at a time. In this one, he appears to be more on our side than theirs. Support him now....we can always trash him if he doesn't toe the line.
Yesterday morning ABC radio news reported that Bush Jr. is "refusing to soften" his "pro-gun" stand despite the terrible event in Fort Worth.

Bush Jr. may not be pro-gun enough for many of us. But he's a heckuva lot more pro-gun than either his opponents or their allies in the media, who, unlike Bush Jr., are exploiting the Fort Worth incident for all the anti-gun demagoguery they can squeeze out of it.

In sum, regarding Fort Worth, Bush Jr. has basically "stuck to his guns" so far and I'm glad of it.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited September 17, 1999).]
Here's the Bush contact information:

Mailing Address:
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

Fax: 512-463-1849

All comments, questions or information requests about political matters regardingovernor Bush should be directed to The Bush Committee
504 Lavaca Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Telephone: (512)472-2874

Email Forms:

Sample letter:
Use, cut, paste, trash as you each see fit.

September 17, 1999

Governor George W. Bush
The Bush Committee
504 Lavaca Street
Austin, Texas 78701

Dear Governor Bush:

No law abiding citizens can fail to be horrified by the events that took place in Fort Worth this past Wednesday. Despite the growing media coverage of violence in America, one can never accept the images of violence in a place of worship. I know I speak for millions of Americans in offering you, the people of Texas and the victims' families our heartfelt sympathy.

Like so many others, I am saddened by the media coverage and spin on this event. Coverage that seeks to place the blame on firearms, in general, and firearms owners, in particular, detracts from the attention that needs to be paid to personal responsibility and senseless violence in our communities. Informed, intelligent Americans vote. And we clearly see that neither you nor the Texas concealed weapons laws are at fault in this latest tragedy. In fact, you are to be commended for allowing individual Churches and Synagogues in your State to determine whether their members may go armed. You are to be further commended for not attempting to use this tragedy to further your own campaign, as your opponents have so obviously done.

In the coming weeks, you will certainly be attacked for your position and your response to the shooting. I urge you to take courage from your own convictions, and trust in America's ability to see through the spin. We each know that the latest "flavor of the month" gun control legislation would have had no effect on the actions of a madman. Rather, it will serve to further polarize this nation as our Bill of Rights is weakened, once again. Americans are waking up to the increasing attacks on our Constitutionally guaranteed Rights.

While much debate currently focuses on the Second Amendment, this is only because it is the target of those believe our social contract should cater to America's lowest common denominator; those who have lost faith in the ability of law abiding Americans to act responsibly. However, we are well aware of simultaneous arguments in favor of limiting other guarantees in the Bill of Rights. This is an unacceptable trend to the voters of this nation. These same voters will surely reward you for your refusal to succumb to the rhetoric and divisive attacks of your detractors.

I wish you every success in your bid for the Presidential nomination and pledge my support of your efforts for as long as you continue to support all of our freedoms.


Richard J. Lucibella

ps: Think this might be a good time to get your Dad to soften his public position on law abiding firearms owners by rejoining a national advocacy group of his choice?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 17, 1999).]
Madness! Whats needed here is some reasonable legislation making it illegal for guns with magazines holding over 8 rounds to be used in church murders.

We could follow that up with legislation requiring all madmen to take an oath that they will limit their depredations to fast food joints and bus stops except on Sundays.

Furthermore, I would allow anyone who ignores the previous laws to use a supressor so that they don't interrupt services.

I'm working on additional legislation making it a crime to murder people with a gun in the first place - such a law would allow us to do away with all the other legislation in place (though we won't really do that).

Furthermore, my scientists have determined that gunfire contributes to global warming. Anyone defending themselves with a gun will be fined $10,000 by the EPA as of November 1st.

We need these laws "for the children".

Thank you, please don't forget to vote democratic in the next election!

Al Gore, the "reasonable" candidate