Geoff Metcalf's proposed "veto the governor" plan (Calif)

Jim March

New member
Geoff Metcalf has a great idea about using referendums to kill gun-grabber bills that Davis may pass. See also:

One detail he seems to have *missed* is that if you're going to go to the effort of collecting signatures, you can collect MORE THAN ONE from each person, for multiple initiatives.

In other words, there's little cost difference between doing ONE initiative and FIVE.

That in turn means that if, say, SB15 and AB17 both pass, we could do "kill 'em off" initiatives for both AND tack on a shall-issue CCW referendum at practically no extra cost. If possible, we should get the entire "slate" of pro-gun initiatives numbered sequentially and then advertise them more or less in a "solid block", saving big bux on ad costs.

Meaning, if anybody's going to do a shall-issue referendum it's be best to get the language sorted out BEFORE Davis gets to the point where he's signing bills into law. We'll only have 90 days from that point to collect 480,000 signatures, and if we're going to go to that effort, let's by ALL means throw shall-issue into the pot!!!

If AB17 gets signed by Davis, we MUST fight it using the referendum process. It's that or pack our bags.

Jim March
Keep us posted Jim and if it happens, let me know where I can download a petition.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If we get to that point, I'll have the forms on my site. AB17 is dead, but at least one other fairly nasty (but IMHO mostly survivable) bill is sure to pass.

There's also talk of a Wisconson-style "basic reaffirmation of individual gun rights" initiative that wouldn't directly do anything other than "send a message". This bears thinking about...I'm leery but not dead-set against at this time.

Jim March
Again, IF we get to that point, we'll need the petitions up at every gun show and gun store in the state.

Unfortunately, we can't collect the actual signatures online. We CAN distribute the forms the signatures go on that way, get local people to put the petitions up at gun stores and firing ranges. But the actual paper forms with the signatures on 'em must be collected and handed in by a certain date.

I'll be pushing hard to get the wording for all the petitions and referrendums ready to go the instant Davis signs some crappy stuff we want to block this way, probably the "sport utility rifle ban" and the "affordable/used gun ban", god only knows what else. There's an avalanche of BS coming, we DID stop AB17 thank god but there's lots of lesser crap. And if we're gonna do it, let's for god's sake collect CCW initiative signatures in the same go-round.

Jim March