Geo. Fisher?


New member
I perused through the threads, but didn't see anything already relating.

I have an old side-by-side shotgun with only the letters "Geo Fisher" stamped into the sides of the action/reciever.

I presume this shotty to be 16ga or 12ga...I don't have any gauge or shells to check!

It's double exposed hammer, double trigger.

Any ideas on who made/sold George Fisher shotguns? Another department store brand, perhaps?


I will share what little information I have if you promise not to use the term " shotty" again, I think that is a terrible term. Anyway, there was a English, Blackpowder gunmaker, George A. Fisher, Madesto, 1883-1893. Must have been a small shop because thats all the information I have on him.
"Burial: JUL 1882 Bloomfield, Muskingum Co., Ohio 5
Occupation: Blacksmith
"Robert Maxwell was born in Pennsyslvania and came to Ohio when a youn g man and settled in Harrison County. He was a blacksmith and worked i n the shop of George Fisher, a gunsmith." " - googled up on Rootsweb


"Here is Ron Gabel's answer to question number 3180


i have a old damacus shotgun made by geo fisher any inf would be welcomed


A George Fisher gunsmith worked in London circa 1825-29 at 52 Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road. Another G. Frederick Fisher worked in Washington DC circa 1864-66 at 416 7th Street West. If your shotgun was made in Europe the barrel should have proof marks.

Submitted By: hugh bartholomew On: 12/14/2002 6:28:42 PM"
Also, from Side by Sides of the World by Charles E. Carder
FISHER, GEO: The location of Mr Fisher is uncertain,as there are many gun makers listed in both Britaqin and the U.S.A. by the name of Fisher. However, a George A. Fisher made guns in Modesto CA. from 1883 to 1893. Thisgun bears the name GEO. FISHER and is reminsicant of guns built by the English and Belgian gun trade, however, thisone has Belgian proof marks. The frame is a round-action and was probably built in the 1880's. History unknown.
According to, another possibility is:

"Shotguns marked George Fisher were made in Belgium by Henri Pieper and were imported by Schoverling, Daly & Gales in the late 1890's."