Gents, Merry Christmas


New member

Merry Christmas to you, your friends, your families and especially to those who have less than you do. In this season of giving, may we all remember those around us and what we can do for them.

May we also remember the men and women who are overseas or otherwise giving of themselves and away from their families so we may celebrate in peace.

May we please also remember the uniformed officers of our police, fire and EMT departments and our Coast Guard, who go toward danger so we may flee from it.

Most importantly. Give of yourself remembering that no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Now, as a small token of friendship to my friends and acquaintances here at TFL I offer the following song and video. While not directly related to shotguns, per se, it is relevant. On TFL I post here the most so that is why I post this here.

Peace. Enjoy the video.
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