Gentlemen, you GOTTA read this book!


New member
Not an order (like who on this board would obey! [g]), just a request.

The book is "The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy" by David Kopel. Explains the cultural differences as to gun control in many countries, whose laws the antis say we should adopt.

Now this book might have been mentioned earlier, but if so, it needs to be repeated.

GREAT Japan chapter opening quote that explains our differences in a nut shell - "The squeaky wheel gets greased - American proverb". "The nail that sticks out will be pounded down - Japanese proverb".

I've just finished Great Britain, and what an eye opener! Reading of the gradual erosion
of British rights, you can see that the antis are using this as their step-by-step blueprint rather than willy-nilly thinking up new controls. This can be a useful charge against them.

I can't begin to quote all the great sentences we could glean from this book to counter the antis arguments -- not face-to-face (useless) but in Letters to the Editor, etc. The book is heavily foot-noted to back up the statements.

I plan to get a copy for the local library (IF they'll accept it -- many are antis also). Check out your own library. Amazon has it for $22.37, List is $31.95. Maybe you could get a better deal elsewhere. This book is well suited for the TFLers, as it touches on many of the topics on this board.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
While you are at the library, pick up a copy of John Lott's More Guns, Less Crime. It is the most in-depth study that has ever been done on the relationship between gun ownership--particularly concealed carry--and crime rates.

When John Lott finished his research, he went out and bought himself a gun.