genital exams of children??


New member
i'm not a parent, but is this kind of thing normal? it sounds kinda strange to me. if i were a parent i don't think i would allow this kind of thing to happen to my child. like i said, it just doesn't sound right to me. am i wrong? do i not understand what i read or what?

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 01-14-99).]

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 01-14-99).]
If you were a parent, you probably would not be told until it was a fait accompli. If you complained, you would be talked down to, belittled, and insulted, just as the article indicated. Additionally, while the schools bemoan a "lack of parental involvement", the schools denigrate anything other than "the party line". Been there, done that!

The teacher's unions, bureaucracy, documented "procedures", "contracts with parents", state and federal legislatures have crippled the good teachers (and there are many) and provided a haven for the inept bureaucrats and their cronies.

This same physical exam thing nearly happened in Texas. Former Governor Ann Richards tried to implement a sexual education program which included such neat things as:
- masturbating yourself and others for fun;
- the legitimization of "alternative lifestyles"; ("Why Suzie has TWO Daddies" or something similiar...)
- the ever present "condom college", etc.

I don't know if I can find the original proposal in my files (about the size of a railroad car, it seems). But the program was to be from pre-K thru 12. Each year was a little "deeper" than the one before...

Texans "freaked" and the program was never implemented. Never underestimate the power of the buying public and we "buy" politicians with our votes.
Teachers are evil!!!!!!!

Sorry had to get that outa my system...Finals today and tomorrow. Actually the best teachers are in the shop wing of the school. They actually have some common sense. Its the English, Math, Science teachers that you gotta watch out for. Anyways I've gotta go study :(

Wow! I would be enraged.

I'm sure ya'll will correct me if my perceptions are wrong. I also see some irony here: the folks that purportedly need these types of programs (Head Start, etc) are generally the poor and the poor don't vote. The irony is that the glorious beneficent government seems to be also saying that the poor likely sexually abuse their children. Is that to say that the better off (financially) do not so their kids are not examined? Or is it because those people vote and heads would roll?
oooowheee...this opens up a serious can of worms for the Social Engineers. Are they guilty of sexual abuse? What about the privacy of the medical records? Circumventing parental rights in medical decisions? I think someone really stepped in it this time :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I had my wife read the story. Good thing we don't live in Tulsa, better thing that is wasn't done to our children.
The thing is, that public schools are being held accountable if they don't invesigate sexual abuse.Yes the headstart people were out of line. Parents must be notified and be present. You don't hurt kids.
This sort of thing really pisses me off! I'm glad it wasn't one of my kids, I'd probably be in jail now.

I just knew there was some other reason I didn't like that dumb stupid drunken Bi*ch Ann Richards. I feel better now. I am definantly an avoid violence if you can at almost any cost kind of guy, but if I found out some one did or tried to exam my daughter's privates, two things would happen; I would go to jail and those responsible would go to the IC unit of the local hospital.
My biggest fear would be knee-jerk administrative types furnishing "counselors" for the children to "help them through their distress", and having them give the kids the impression that it's a normal thing to be examined and prodded, because the nice teachers and principal said it was okay. The teachers and the nice nurses "want to help" the kids, and they don't want the nice teachers to get in trouble, do they?
Line `em up and pass the ammo. Stories like this make me question whether or not I want to bring kids into this tainted world anymore. Sorry, feeling really down about this today.
It is important to continue noticing that the most outrageous behavior seems to be exhibited by (1) criminals and (2) government. With time, study and maturity we become better at perceiving the subtle differences. ;) (with apologies to those forum members who are professional LEO's and military)
i like most who replied would probably be in jail. i just couldn't believe that stuff like this went on! who the hell gave anyone the right to do this to kids in the first place?
this is just so wild i can't believe it's happening. what in the world is going on in this country? i'm at a loss for words! :(

fiat justitia
I was in grade school about the time the whole "corporal punishment in school should be brought back" issue was played out in Colorado and I remember my parents telling me that if anyone in the school, teacher principle, nurse or whoever tried anything like this I needed to run like mad, and if that didn't work, kick bite scream punch and make myself as dangerous t be around as possible. Seems like good advice for these kids.
I was in grade school about the time the whole "corporal punishment in school should be brought back" issue was played out in Colorado and I remember my parents telling me that if anyone in the school, teacher principle, nurse or whoever tried anything like this I needed to run like mad, and if that didn't work, kick bite scream punch and make myself as dangerous t be around as possible. Seems like good advice for these kids.
I was in grade school about the time the whole "corporal punishment in school should be brought back" issue was played out in Colorado and I remember my parents telling me that if anyone in the school, teacher principle, nurse or whoever tried anything like this I needed to run like mad, and if that didn't work, kick bite scream punch and make myself as dangerous t be around as possible. Seems like good advice for these kids.
i get your message Heczspect
i get your message Heczspect
i get your message Heczspect :) ;)
when i went to school they could still paddle your a**. while it didn't feel to good, it didn't scar me for life or nothin'. but back then, if a neighbor saw you doing wrong, they were expected to disclpline you, then tell your parents so they could do it again. did it make you stop messin' up? no, but it made you think twice, or become sneakier ;)

fiat justitia
Given that there were no allegations of abuse and the kids had to have physicals in order to be in the program, all I can figure is that there are some sick puppies in that school system, as such exams seem quite uncalled for.

I think they oughta 'pants' those who did the inspecting, give 'em a dose of their own medicine. Put their teeny weenies on display for all to mock and ridicule, followed by a sound thrashing.

I feel bad for the teachers who care and who try, but there's obviously some with too much time on their hands to exercise their dirty little minds. M2