Gene Hill's books


New member
If you've ever found yourself wandering the grocery store in October, looking for Field n Stream, Outdoor Life, ANY magazine that has a deer on the cover, you owe it to yourself to buy at least one of Gene Hill's books. Nobody has ever spoken the words of an outdoorsman as well as Gene. His books are, for me, as essential as a grouse hunt, and as necessary as waterproofing my boots. Do yourself a favor: go to and punch in Gene Hill. Buy just one and you'll be back for more!
Yeah, Hill's columns seemed like a "forever" part of life--until he was gone.

While I've also enjoyed all of Ruark's books, as well as a bunch of stuff we all listed a number of months back about outdoor and gun oriented reading, I recommend Ruark's "The Old Man and the Boy"; and the sequel, "The Old Man's Boy Grows Older". They're back in print...To me, Ruark's stuff is more "re-readable" than many other good writers.

:), Art

[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited September 27, 1999).]
Art - Yes! Robert Ruark's "The Old Man and the Boy" is as good as it gets. I remember reading his columns in Field & Stream when I was a youngster. Excellent. F&S recently (Sept. '97) ran a reprint of one episode when the old man gave the boy his first real gun. It was especially poignant since a good friend had just lost his father. It brought a tear to my eye to read it again after all those years.
Having drifted away fro Gene Hill to Ruark, I also recommend his total sendup "Grenadine Etching". Grenadine was an orphan girl, raised in a house of ill repute in New Orleans. The madam was a juju woman, and the bodyguard bouncer was a gorilla--literally.

His somewhat-autobiographical novel, "The Honey Badger", includes the one of the greatest misogynistic put-downs in literary history:

"There is a bloody brave little animal in Africa called the honey badger. It may be the meanest animal in the world. It kills for malice and for sport and it does not go for the jugular--it goes straight for the groin. It has a lot in common with the modern American woman."

(Since this was written in 1965, it obviously does not apply to the 1990s woman, does it, DC?)

:), Art
This is my first posting on any forum.

I'm glad the subject is Gene Hill.

Gene's last interview was with me on a
syndicated outdoor radio program I host.
Following his death, I invited a number
of his friends to appear on a tribute
program. They shared some great stories
about working, hunting, and fishing with

I would be willing to send a copy of that
program, at no cost, to those who have
already posted here. The tribute includes
an excerpt from Gene's last interview.

I have no hidden agenda;I feel those
of us who appreciated Mr. Hill's writing
are kindred spirits.

You can contact me via the email
address listed in my user profile.
Sport, your profile lists no e-mail address. And I would dearly love to have a copy of that interview. Please e-mail me back, or post here. Thanks for your generous and thoughtfull offer.