Geez! What is it with these Lever Guns?


New member
Let me start off my saying that for the past couple of months, I've been trying to sell off about 10 guns that I don't have much use for in hopes that the money would eventually be going towards a nice down-payment on a new pick-em-up.

Well, it seems that I keep taking one step forwards and two steps back. Remember, I'm trying to sell these guns. So far, I've sold five, traded two, and have a couple left over.

Okay, so I'm still a bit ahead, but not as much as I had originally planned - just a minor technical difficulty, right?

Oh, I forgot to mention the preban Bushmaster lower receiver - That's okay... Not many of 'em around, right? Okay, so I've taken quite a few steps back...

Geez, I just remembered that Makarov...

Anyways, today was my first day off from work in nearly two weeks of 12-hour shifts (a lot of OT, you know), so naturally, I head to the gun store to see what else I can spend my down-payment on.

Dagnabbit! He just had to have the Marlin 1894P that I saw on Marlin's website, didn't he!

As I eyed this little lever-gun, thoughts ran through my head of stomping through the woods at the farm with this thing strapped to my back. "Hmmm... Just think of the all varmints that could fall victim to this beauty," I thought to myself (They have some pretty mean armadillos up Oklahoma-way, ya know...)

It was then that I realized that I had made the fatal mistake of finding a "use" for this rifle. I had no other alternative but to buy it. (Right?)

Now I haven't had many lever guns - Just a standard Winchester 94 in .30-30... Oh, and there's the Marlin .336 in .30-30 that I got just before selling the Winchester... Oh yeah, and that time I craved the Winchester styling again and bought a 94 Wrangler in .44 Mag (The big loop helps with heavy gloves, ya know ;))... Daggum, I almost forgot about that Rossi 92 in .357 Mag (What can I say? The .357 Vaquero needed a companion!).

Well shoot! After all the Winchesters (and the copy), I think that I am now officially a convert to the Marlin line of fine lever-guns (especially the 1894 line). As I stated in another post, this is the slickest little rifle (next to my Ruger All-Weather 77/44) that I've handled - Quick-handling, slick action, and very compact. The feeling of quality just screams out at me as I caressss... uh, handle this carbine.

Since this carbine has only been with me for a couple of hours, I have yet to shoot it, but I am very tempted to head out to the garage, though. (Think the neighbors would mind? ;))

Oh well. Just thought I'd brag a little about this week's purchase. Y'all take care.

(Hey! It's an investment... Yeah, that's it... :D)

Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page
Hey, you're fine. Just stop selling your firearms and the problem's solved. No gun issue then. need those guns.
You never know what could come up.
Hearty congrats on finding a good home for yet another poor, defenseless firearm.
We've got to do our part to keep them from falling into the wrong hands.

Sooo many choices, sooo little willpower... My wallet feels the pain of it, all too often... ;)

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
I have a friend who is the proud owner of 76 lever action rifles. That's right, 76. 73 Winchester and 3 Marlins, as I recall. You couldn't convince him to hold off on 77 if he comes across one he likes for all the tea in China. Selling them? I asked him for one once. He offered me the pick of his other rifles, any I wanted, except the lever actions... There is something about a lever action that can get under your skin.
Actually, George, I think plasma will bring a bit more, but I can't do it as much. I thought about going the kidney route, but that'd only leave me with one good one. Anyone know how much I can get for bone marrow??? :D

(Daggum! 76?!?!)