Gear for first NRA Hi-power

New member
I don't know what to expect for my first NRA match. I assume I will be able to borrow/use someone else's spotting scope, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what to bring: shooting mat (will a large beach towel work?) , about 100 rounds, water, my M1A of course. But what about magazines? How many do I need? Is there any problem using 20 round mags during the ten-shot courses of fire? I've only been loading ten rounds during practice to make the rifle a bit lighter. Is this a good idea? Any tips for practice?

A towell is OK, but will old carpet patch will be better.

Bring as many mags as you can, but you can do it with 2.

I shoot the AR, so I don't know what is standard for the M1A, but you need to consider shooting prone.

Some people like heavy guns and some like light. Your choice, but on a lot of course of fire you'll be limited on how many to load.

Practice? Dry fire, dry fire, dry fire.
I don't know what to expect for my first NRA match. I assume I will be able to borrow/use someone else's spotting scope, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what to bring: shooting mat (will a large beach towel work?) , about 100 rounds, water, my M1A of course. But what about magazines? How many do I need? Is there any problem using 20 round mags during the ten-shot courses of fire? I've only been loading ten rounds during practice to make the rifle a bit lighter. Is this a good idea? Any tips for practice?
Call or E-mail the match director first and let them know that this will be your first match. More than likely, you'll be squadded with someone to share gear with. A beach towel works fine, that's what I've used, or a strip of carpet. 100 rounds is good for a minimum if it's a regional format match (80 shot), but assuming that it is an 80 shot match with sighters, you're going to be firing at least 88 rounds that day; that'll leave you 12 rounds left to play with, and you may have some kind of malfunction or something that'll force you to reshoot a rapid string as an alibi. If it's the national match course, 100 rounds is more than enough, since that's only a 50 shot match plus sighters.

During the rapids, I like having four magazines total. Load two with two rounds and two with eight rounds before your relay is called, that way you don't have to reload magazines between strings. Mark them with masking tape and a sharpie or something so you don't get them mixed up, you must fire the 2 round magazine first. Reload them with 2 and 8 when you get to the 300 yard line. I then have one magazine that's unmarked, that's my slow fire magazine. In regards to magazines, if you're shooting your M1A as a service rifle, you must use a 20 round M14 magazine or something that has the same external diamensions as the 20 round magazine. Anything other than that makes your service rifle a match rifle. The most rounds you'll have in any magazine at one time is eight anyways.

About the only thing left to say is to get out there, be safe and have fun. Don't even think about your scores the first time out. And of course, we're expecting a full debriefing afterwards. :D
Relax. Most High Power shooters I know will help you out with gear, advise and about anything else you will need but rifle/ammo and in some cases even that. 20 round mags are standard.

If it's a full across the course match:

Start at 200 yards off hand. Here you will get 2 sighters and then shoot 20 rounds for record. You will have 22 minutes to do this. Each shot is loaded one at a time. Each shot is scored one at a time.

Next is sitting at 200. Here you will have 2 sighters and then 2 strings of rapid fire of ten shots each in 60 seconds. You will be required to load one mag with 2 rounds and one with 8 rounds as there is a mandatory mag change. You will be standing and then go to the sitting post when your target appears. I would learn to remove and ensert your mags. One of the old timers could show you how to do this so you don't waste a bunch of time. The shots are scored 10 at a time and you will see your group as will everyone else. :p With 4 20 round mags you will have your mags loaded up for each string of the required 2 and 8 for the whole stage and just less one thing to try to worry about other than making sure you don't mix up 2 mags loaded with 8 each.

After that you will march to the 300 yard line with the same deal as rapid sitting only here you go to prone and have 70 seconds to get your ten shots off with 2 strings. 2 sighters of course and still need to load mags with 2 and 8. The difference here in the Bullseye is the 8 ring becomes black and looks the same as it did at 200 yards.

Next you will march back to the 600 yard line. Here you will be prone and have 22 minutes to fire 2 sighters and 20 rounds for record. The Bulls still looks the same as it did at 200 and 300.

For practice I would find some one who knows what they are doing and have them show you. There is a new website out and one the stickies is photo's showing postions. There are plenty of guys that can also tell you the difference in post between the M-1A and the AR as for instance when shooting offhand you strong side elbow should be up as high as you can get it with a M-1/M-1A/M-14 and down at you side with an AR.

When you fire you match be sure to write down the sight settings when finshed at each stage. This will come in handy for the next time and you happen to use the same ammo.
Hi Power Gear,
I no longer shoot hi-power and have some gear for sale that might interest a new shooter. Reloading dies, scope stand. match bullets (.308 ), cart, etc. If you are interested send me an e-mail and put HI-Power in the subject line.
