Gaucho "sighting in"


New member
I took my new Gaucho to the range for the first time today. I am.. concerned, let's put it that way.

I was off target, WAY off target. Shooting maybe 2 or 3 inches left of center-- well, that's not too horrible. But the bullets were going so high they were missing the paper.

Not by too much. I found that if I held the sights at the bottom of the 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, the bullet would fall about two inches above the bullseye. So we're shooting what, about eight inches high?

I would appreciate Youze Guys's help.

I pretty much always shoot left of target by a bit. With adjustable-sight revolvers I just crank the sight over a little. And really, a couple inches at 25 yards for a single action-- I can stand that. But is there something I'm doing wrong, some difference in how I hold or pull the trigger that might make a difference?

I was using a two-handed hold and resting my elbows on a shooting bench, since I was trying to see how accurate the weapon is-- not how accurate I am.

As for lowering point of impact, that would require building up the front sight. But I think I might do better trying to handload to bring the point of impact down to target. I understand that slower, heavier bullets tend to shoot high-- well, I was shooting Winchester cowboy loads, which are 250 (or is it 255?) grain, at about 750 fps. According to Taurus, their .45 Colts are meant to be used with 225 grain pills at about 900. I was thinking of using 200 grain LRNs or SWCs, probably loaded to 800-900. Does anybody have any idea whether this might bring the point of impact down as much as six inches?

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? Well, the Gaucho is a joy to shoot. It seems light, and very well balanced. The trigger is wonderful-- it started out good, and it's getting better as I use it.

The cylinder does drag a bit at one point in its rotation, and this gets worse with fouling. I haven't tracked down what is causing that, yet. Might take a bit of stone work. Everything seems to function perfectly, lockup, timing, the whole deal, so I'm not planning on sending the Gaucho in to Taurus for repairs just yet.

Unless Youze Guys convince me otherwise, of course.
Well, I think I found part of the problem-- the base pin wasn't fully seated. Maybe it worked loose under recoil. I should have CHECKED that. (shakes head) Y'know, it's a miracle I don't blow my fool foot off.