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New member
Hey Rich,

I did a search and found nada on this:

Could we start posting "Get Together/TFL Gathering" threads in General Discussion?

It would give the Live Fire section back to the live fire posts and also give the Gathering threads a lot more traffic. I think you'd see an increase in Gatherings due to the increased amount of viewings. That could be a good thing.

'Course, there's probably something I'm not considering, but I can't think of what it is...
I know Sam...I was thinking we could change the purpose of Live Fire Exercises to real deal live fire exercises and let the Gathering posts fall into General for more traffic.

What do you think?
Color me confused Thumper. The forum description specifically states it is for gatherings as well as the live fire exercises. Just like Legal & Political and this forum we are in at the present, that forum is a multi-purpose forum. Is the concern that the title doesn't reflect that it is for TFL gatherings? It seems to me that no matter what the title of the forum, if the membership knows what the forum contains then that would be the place to check for news about gatherings. If you want the gatherings threads to become really lost, then General Discussion is the place to be due to the high volume of traffic which you say would help the threads. In L&L, the threads stay on the front page for quite a while.
The forum title doesn't lend a clue.
One would have to be idly curious to read the float post.

Sam....cantankerous ol fart.
Sorry, Mal...I re-read my request and I wasn't very clear.

I'm sure you notice that there are rarely any members browsing the Live Fire Forum. I was just thinking that if we could start Gathering threads in General, they'd get a heck of a lot more traffic. I think there are many that don't actively seek out get togethers, but would probably go if they were thrust in their face, so to speak.

I think Gathering threads are popular enough that they'd be bumped quite a bit.

...but again, I could be wrong.
To follow up on Thumper's post, I am trying to float a TFL get together in Houston, and am struggling with it right now. I see lots of Houston members around, but I don't think they are noticing the thread on the live fire board.

Can we move these to General Discussion? GD gets more traffic, and right now the first page of GD has posts from this morning, so the thread would still show up.

Mal's right. We know that everyone want's a piece of General. But if we apply that rule thruout, we'll soon have pistol, rifle, legal and Want-Ads posts there. Then the question becomes "Why not just have one big Forum? All titles will get more views that way."

However, if you'd like, post the thread to General to prove Mal's point about it dropping to the bottom quick. Make certain to start out with "Mods: This is a test post approved by Mal" Guaranteed it's on page two in as many days.
Slightly rename but keep it there.......

Holding 3 TFL shoots in New Jersey,I have found that I have to contact individuals with a PM or e-mail in order to get them to come out to any gatherings(ask Mal H). It's a pain in the butt but you need to check people's profiles at the bottom of the main forun page when they are active and see who is in your surrounding areas, then send them a PM. Doing a "roll call" for your state works out pretty good too in the general thread for a contact list. So,you need to keep the gatherings on the L&L section for any staying power on the board Thumper. I start out setting up a shoot about a month before it and it definitely would get lost in the general forums. People like to be contacted personally and asked to come shoot. I guess it breaks the ice and makes them feel special. I don't know. Just my 2 cents & personal experience. Hope this helps.........
Have "faith" people!!

I went threw this with George Hill about a year and a half ago. I've probable met over 75 TFL members in the last year and a half from PA, NJ and VA gatherings. The guys in Utah have been at it the longest, thus, have a larger following. PA and NJ are next in line.

Post info, on your signature, and people will see it everytime you post in a forum. We have about a 50% no show rate because everyone comes up with excuses like "I can't....the wife said........" or "I'll be there in the morning to help set things up" they email the next day "Sorry My wife just informed me I had to......"

If you stick to it for another year and don't see results then you can complain.

P.S. Getting in fights with other TFL members, and trying to publicly prove them wrong, over the Internet, is also an advertising banner.:D Except I kinda half assed it http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100314&highlight=Mini+400yds
Well, it took a bit longer than you predicted, but ultimately, Rich, you were right.... ;)

In admitting defeat, could you please move our thread to the L&L forum:


Thanks again, though, for letting us try, and it did certainly get us more initial interest than the original post, so on that note is it OK in the future if I at least post a "roll call" to stir up initial interest?

SodaPop/Ray - Thanks for the learned advice. As you can see in my sigline I am already taking it to heart. (Now I just need to get in a publicity fight! ;) )

Thanks again,
Since I'm sort of in the middle of this along with you HL, I'll add my .03$ worth (inflation takes it's toll after a while). After all I seem to be "blamed" for it by giving some advice to Thumper even though I didn't realize anyone was to blame for anything.

Actually it took less time than predicted for the following reasons:

1) You added a thread here pointing to your thread in GenDis and asking that members post there instead. That would seem to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if folks did initially look here, their response was in GenDis.

2) The thread in GenDis was already on page 2 as predicted about 1 day later. The only reason it kept popping back to the top was because of the PA folks giving you advice on how to get others to notice your thread. I hasten to add there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it did ruin the "experiment".

I was thinking the same thing you said about initiating a "roll call" in GenDis and pointing everyone to L&L. Even if it gets closed, the pointer will still be around for a short while.
I know, the first day looked pretty promising, but after that, well.....

Fair enough. Point taken, and wiser men prevailed. But, as my dad always said to me, "I can tell you what to do, but until you fall on your own face, it won't matter what I say 'cause you won't listen no-how...."

Thanks again for letting us try, and it does appear that we managed to stir some interest....:)

In any event, let me know if the "roll call" idea is kosher, and if you ever make it to Houston, you have guaranteed hospitality!

Well, it was a fun experiment. If the thread hasn't been moved, I'll handle it.

Apologies for setting you up as the fall guy. But I knew you'd be proven right.


No problem. In fact I got a few grins out of it as I watched the thread in GenDis sink while the one in L&L stayed within the top 10 threads and was getting hits all the time even though the post count didn't rise. You see, when I'm involved in an experiment either here or at work, I take good notes as it progresses. ;)

All in fun, gentlemen, all in fun.

On a seriousness note, maybe this little game we played here and in GenDis has made more people aware that the gatherings threads are in L&L and will look there more often or even start some new ones.

BTW, will someone (HL, Rich, George) please edit the first post in the thread and delete the first line? It doesn't make sense now that it is in L&L.
Mal, glad to give you a smile! :D

I tried to edit the post, but it was too far gone to let me edit.

I do indeed hope that this "experiment" has drummed up some interest in gatherings in general and the L&L forum in particular.

