Gathering: Utah Gunshow April 21st 2:00PM @ Snack bar

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Just letting everyone know...

Saturday April 21st. The new Gun Show venue... 2:00 where ever the main snack bar or food vendor is.

See All Y'all there!
I have to work Saturday(Unless we experience a torrential downpour). I guess I will see you all at the shoot the following weekend.
Main lunch/snack counter at 2pm....

Looks like I'll be there also! But I have a small question: I know that the Utah Gov. signed that reciprocal bill, but is it actually law yet? other words, do I have to leave my weapons at home? In Idaho?

Oh...and my wife will be with me to make sure I don't deplete the credit cards...sigh....

I'll be there wearing my Navy Blue long sleave TFL shirt - Correia, I like the new black one too - but that one is my favorite.
April show

I'll be there, look for the guy who looks like an ATF agent wearing a Red Dawn camo smock and jeans. ;-)

Antipitas, You can bring your weapons to the shoot the following weekend! If their legal there their legal here. I have a bunch of guys coming from work. They are all new shooters so lets give them some good instruction and make sure they have fun. If I get a bunch of new converts it will drive the Dems in management crazy!
I'll be the big one in the TFL shirt with a shaved head and goatee. I may look like a construction worker but believe it or not I'm an accountant. :)
PvtPyle, it was about 3 weeks ago that my wife and I were out driving around. It wasn't until we stopped in snowville that I remembered that I was carrying. What reminded me was the cop that pulled in right besides us! I stayed in the car while the wife got us some sodas and chips. Beat feet right smartly back to the Idaho border. ;) At any rate, I knew your Gov had signed the bill but didn't know when it took effect and I certainly didn't want to find out the hard way!

Unfortunately, I have to work next weekend, so I won't be able to attend the shooting fest...sigh.

But I will be there at the show tomorrow. Looks like I'll be bringing a friend as well as the "little lady."

Hmmm...why is it that your law says I can buy a rifle but not a handgun? Not that I want one, I'm looking for reloading equipment on this trip, just curious.

Believe it or not I'm actually rather friendly...

Just not to liberals. :D

In the words of the great Combat Accountants prayer:

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the month end reconcilliations, I shall fear no out of balance debits to the cash account. For I'm the baddest mother f*****r who ever ran an SAP report. Amen."

I'm not sure when it becomes law either and dont blame you for not wanting to test out our fine just-us system.

I sure wish this rain would quit, I'm getting nervous about the 28th! Never fear though, we will shoot rain or shine.
Correia the accountant, who would have known?
It is a small world, as I have my degree in accounting.
Gunshow Report. Many people thought that the last gunshow at the salt palace marked the end of good gunshows in Utah. This is not true. The new venue was large and friendly and was actually much better than the salt palace could ever be. Getting in and out was easy (busy but easy) and you didn't have to park 10 blocks away. The vendors were plentiful with lots of good product and not your typical Swap Meet stuff. Sure there was a lot of the crapy knives for sale as usual but there was a lot of good stuff too. Native Nevadan Sporting Goods was there with all the Galco you could ask for. Also there was a real HK G36K that was a "Look But Don't Even Think Of Touching" kinda item. I dont get that idea at all - At SHOT 2000 HK even invited me to TAKE IT APART! HELLO! Some dealers have too much attitude. The G36 rifle is an ARMY Rifle not the GOLDEN FLEASE!! Bastards... Anyways, Robinson Armament had about the smallest little table in the whole show, but managed to have the best stuff. They had 3 VEPR rifles there. 7.62 Russian, .223, and .308... They had an M96 Carbine which was SWEET... and we watched a fellow plop down $9,000.00 for a slightly used HK MP5K-PDW with a select fire trigger group. Safe, Single, Burst, and Rock and Roll. Amazing - but it is only a 9MM. Still - very cool thing to be able to walk around - see an MP5 and say, "Sure, why the hell not?" You dont see that every day. One thing I noticed about the VEPR rifles is that unlike other AKs - the Stock to Receiver fit was perfect. The whole thing was rugged and solid. Yeah, an AK is pretty dang solid, but not like a VEPR! I'm wanting one badly. Next Saturday I'll be shooting a lot of different AKs and getting a better understanding of them. Yeah - I've had them before - but I am really wanting a nice one this time. I took a couple guys from work to this gun show and they had a good time too. They were looking at all kinds of stuff and having a really good learning experience checking out all the guns they only heard about. One almost picked up a killer deal on a SIG P220... That deal was so sweet - I might have hooked that one up myself... but I'm looking for an AK. FALs abounded and there were some nice kits and extras that made another FAL a seriouse temptation.
I made the show but must have been at the wrong snack bar
:( I walked past the one at the south end and didn't see the other until I was leaving. Oh well, one of these days I will get out to a shoot even if only for a day.
I like to buy locally when I can but it looked to me like they were all pretty proud of their stuff :(
I saw one Mint M1 Garand, some AR's at some Pawn shop stand that were price cheap and a couple of cheap $5.00 pocket knives for dandylions. I did find a beat up $5.00 M14 handgaurd I needed but the mags, ammo and guns were way high, in MHO.
Well I wound up buying a 1909 Waffenbrik Mauser that had been nicely sporterized and rebarreled to .308 in perfect shape, scope, and rings, for under $300. That was unexpected, and in fact this is the first "brown" rifle that I have bought ever. :) All of my other rifles are either black rifles or mil-surp. Sure its a Mauser but it is a pure sporter, I'm excited to take it out and shoot it this Saturday at the gathering.

On the way out Jay stopped and talked to the guy with the mint Garands and wound up buying a Winchester M1 Korean war rebuild for $600. It was probably one of the ones that you saw there Karsten.

This was my wife's first gunshow and she had a good time. She was glad to meet you guys. She was surprised by the beanie babies, cheap knives, chiropractors, computer salesmen, and the everpresent cell-phone dealers all across the aisle from a rack of AR15s and a big .50. Kind of odd I suppose, but I guess those guys are everywhere.

Oh and a tidbit of info that you guys should love, I talked with the guy from Robarm on my way out (friendly bunch). They are sick and tired of local stores never carrying their M96, or not even knowing what they are. So they are opening their own store. It will be on Redwood up by the airport. They said that they are going to be the "tactical" type dealer for the SLC area, especially since Impact is all the way in Ogden, and Elite got taken out by the ATF. Good, I need more gunstores to hang out at at.

Look forward to seeing you guys next weekend. :D
That is so cool...
Especialy if they they will sell under "Suggested Retail" prices! As cool as the M96 is - I want that 7.62Russian VEPR-II. I need to come up with some creative financing!
I had to areate lawns on Saturday, so I hit the show today. I bought some small stuff like chamber brushes for my AR, as well as a post ban muzzle break for it.(I'll tell the story about that on Saturday). I definitely like the new location. There is a lot more room to move around.

That will be great to have a "tactical" dealer in SLC. Thanks for the update on Elite Correia, I was wondering what happened to them.