[GASP] Looking for an inexpensive 1911 [CHOKE]


New member
Well, I just got through with my first tactical pistol course, and I'm pretty surprised. I expected the class to be filled with high-tech wonder pistols. Not the case! The best shooters there had 1911s. I've started to rethink the idea of a single action pistol for carry. Ditch the wonder pistols, now maybe I'll carry a 1911? I wouldn't have even thought this before the class. But this whole double action idea might have been a bad one? I don't know, but I'm willing to entertain the thought. I guess it's time to get a 1911 and see for myself...

So, tell me, how cheap can I get a good full sized 1911? I'm talking about spending less than $500. And that's for a fully funtioning pistol - no tuneups by a 1911 guru! What are my options? I've been told that Springfield Armory has good, reliable, inexpensive guns. What do you guys think? I REALLY need some help here since I have ZERO experience with this type of gun.

Thanks in advance,

Hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as a sub $500 1911 that you can bet your life with!!!! For that price take a real good look at the Euro pistols from Glock, Sig, HK, Beretta and Walthers. They are combat ready out of the box and they go BANG! every time you squeeze the trigger.


[This message has been edited by Robert the41MagFan (edited December 10, 1999).]
No problem! Look at second hand Colts, Springfields, and Kimbers. New Colt 1991's and Mil Spec 1911's from Springfield can be had in your price range.

All you have to do is go look for them.

If you want brand new, look at a Milspec Springfield. Also, don't overlook the Sig p220. KY imports has them for 500 bucks, take a good hard look at this gun.

[This message has been edited by MusclesMcGee (edited December 08, 1999).]

I know what you mean. I've been to Gunsite and Thunder Ranch. Most common pistol were lightly customed 1911's. The second most comon was Glock. If you want a 1911 to defend your life with you are going to spend some money. I don't intend to sound harsh, but if you don't want to spend the money then don't. But don't expect the $500.00 1991 or Springfield to perform as a $2000.00 pistol would. I know the old cliche that a seasoned/ practiced shooter can do well with lesser arms. It is true to an extent. However I will pay for every advantage I can get so if ( I hope this never happens!) the day comes when the ballon goes up for real, I'm not struggling due to gear. There's a reason why Ayoob's favorite SA is a Morris Custom and Clint caries a Bauer TR Special.
If $500.00 is your budget then I suggest the Glock 19. I've shot the course with one and did fine. I'm not fond of the trigger though. To me it feels like I'm fingering a sponge, not very comforable. I do not "score" much better with a 1911, just easier.
If you shop carefully you can find a new Kimber for appox. $535. I had feed problems with one of mine. Kimber replaced the barrel and after 2,000 or so rounds no failures. Some Kimbers are mag. sensitive so stick with Mec-Gars or Wilson. The Kimber Customs are not true "match grade" guns,but are several notches above most Colts. For most Tactical matches the Kimber is more than acceptable. Get a good trigger job, replace the mag. release spring and you will be ready to shoot.HTH
Buy a Colt 1991 a1.

It will still be in production for civilian sale and It's been spotted for as little as $379. You still have $$ left over for a few custom do-dads or a lot of ammo.

Practice is what makes you dangerous, not how much $$ you spend.

I have 2 Springfield 1911's, one is a custom, but the other is a box stock parkarized fully loaded springfield. I did have a trigger job done on it, but the factory trigger was very acceptable the way it came. I just don't carry this gun so I wanted a very lite trigger for target. This gun has reliably fed everything I have put thru it and is extremely accurate. If you look around at different shops you should be able to find them for around $500.00. This gun I would trust my life with. I also recently bought a Charles Daly 1911 with the 4" barrel. The fit and finish of this gun is way better than I expected. I have only had it to the range twice, but it is very accurate. With a little polishing on the ramp, I think this gun will be great, and it only cost $360.00 brand new with 2 MecGar mags. The trigger is also suprisingly good. Rod Black
I have always put faith and trust in the GI M1911A1, and never had any problems. Lately, I have done a fair amount of shooting with a Norinco and have had no problems and no noticable wear in nearly 1000 rounds. I know that is not a lot by some standards, but with people complaining that they can't get through a magazine with some pretty pricey high tech stuff, it isn't too bad.

I have a colt 1991a1 Stainless, which I got for trading computer parts :) ($300 worth) It has functioned perfectly right from the box, and It is my first choice for defense. Can't beat it.
My opinion, buy a gun for about 300ish, and spend the extra tuning it (I din't have too, but I think I am just lucky with guns)
HKKiddo, I believe my gunshop priced the parkarized Springfield at $512.00 brand new. This is the loaded model PX-9109. The Charles Daly has been great. I know there are a lot of guys out there knocking it, but the fit and finish on mine is very good, the gun is very accurate, and I got it for $360.00 brand new with 2 MecGar mags. I now carry a Glock 27, but when I get the Charles Daly broke in and the ramp polished, I will probably carry it. Rod Black