garand training model


New member
i was at my recyclers looking for leadtoday, the guy asked me what i needed leadfor and i said bullets of course
he said there was something he wanted me to look at for him, he took me into a room with what looked like a dang mounted mg at first glance, but it was actually a huge garand that was used for training or gunsmithing practice or something
is there any demand for an item like this? i took a couple pics but lost my phone today:(

heres a pic from the web, note that this one had no stock and was in very poor condition, ill get some more pics on monday, but im sure i couldget it for very cheap if it would be worth it forresale, just not sure if there is a demand
they had some of these on pawnstars. they were used in bootcamp to teach the internal workings of the guns. there were also BARs and other models.

of course they were way too big to do anything with but put them on a wall and make recruits stare at them.
Saw models like that when I was in Small Arms Repair school (1975). Rifles, carbine, different MGs. They hung on the walls of the classroom(s). Double or triple life size, combination of metal and wood, cutaway to show internal parts.

No idea what value one would put on any of them. They are not, and never were actual guns. Educational displays only.

Would be a neat display for the gun room...:D
well i will sell it for whatever the guys gives it for, i dont need a profit from it
i will try to explain to the guyy how horrible it is and that noone really would want one

as for the missing stock, it looks like they were just wood and would easily re-built
In the condition you describe I dont know what it would be worth as I havent ever seen one in poor condition with missing stock. Would be a neat wall hanger though
this guy wants 500$ bucks for it, seems way to high for me, ill get some pics up 2morrow

its not missing any of the internal except for the en-bloc and the fake bullets, and of course the wood stock is missing completely, and the carrying casse also does not exsist which i believe is a big part of the resale value, the stand is built into the case and has serial# on the case

500 seems too high, maybe i could get him down to 4, but i doubt lower than that,this isnt something i personally want to buy, but let me know if you guys have any interest in it
With the missing parts, $400 seems high to me. The stock isn't a real issue. It's the other stuff that gives me pause.
Generally, unless you are a very wealthy collector with a "special" dedicated room, these things tend to become "white elephants" after the novelty wears off.
Garand Cut Away Trainer

It would depend on the condition ...everything straight and not bent & no bad corrosion. A picture would be great.
I have the wooden stock ...but I'm missing the operating rod and spring and probably a few other small pieces. I would really like to get mine as complete and functioning as possible and a few left over spare parts would be nice too.
If all the internal parts are there ,especially the operating rod and spring, in good shape I would pay $250 at least. I would also add to that of course shipping and packaging cost as well some for your trouble and time.
I checked UPS and they still offer C.O.D shipping..So if I could get it to my door for as close to $300 to $350 that would be great. Don't want to be a cheapo but money is tight these days so try get him down low as possible. But if he's set at a higher price I might be able to come up with a little more.
Thanks and let be know what happens