Garage sale find Traditions Navy Colt


I picked this Traditions 44 cal. Navy Colt up at a garage sale. Must have been fired and stored without proper cleaning. The hammer was stuck closed for starters. After much lubricant, carburetor cleaner and body language I got the barrel off and some movement in the hammer. The trigger won't move and I can't get the cylinder off. I keep adding cleaner, oil, etc and wiggling. I have tapped on the cylinder and tried gently prying between cylider and frame (careful to avoid the nipples).
Any ideas how to proceed next? I attached a photo but very new to this forum so not sure if photo is viewable.


  • navy colt repairs.JPG
    navy colt repairs.JPG
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for one, the cylinder stop is probably giving you some trouble if you cant get to a proper half cock.
remove the trigger guard to get access and remove the trigger and stop spring, then remove the cylinder stop.

based on your description, you are going to want to do a complete break down anyway.
Garage sale find

Thanks. I am using exploded view of Pietta 1851 Navy Revolver as road map.
I was headed for the cylinder stop and had the trigger guard off and chickened out when I saw a spring.
Note Consider me a rank-amateur. I am mechanically challenged. (I can barely change a spark plug without cross-threading).
The bath in transmission oil interests me. Do I need to remove the wood from the grip?
In the final analysis what is the value of this gun? Web says around $200 (assuming willing seller and buyer can get together). That said, I prefer to shoot it, not sell it.

Would I be better off taking this to a local gunsmith who knows the tricks?

Plan B might be to use it as a display piece next to my 10 gauge double barrel shotgun with Damascus barrels and hammer locks which I dare not shoot.
Soak as suggested.

Detailed disassembly, cleaning with a toothbrush or brass pick, oil and then reassembly. Plenty of members here have taken them apart. Did you know there's only four working parts for the action (hammer, bolt/cylinder stop, hand, trigger)? They're not that difficult.

Ask here if you run into trouble. Get that puppy going.
Yes, you do need to take the wood stocks off before soaking. Soaking the wood in oil will ruin it.
Soaking it in the atf / mineral spirits might take a week or more for a rusted together one.
It can take a long time for the solution to sneak into some of those tight places, like nipple threads and such.
So, have patience.
Thanks for advice. No rush, I just took the pistol down as far as it will go and will soak the "main frame" for a day or two and see what happens.
garage sale

I have used MARVEL MYSTERY OIL on stuck every thing for 50 + years and it really works. give it a try.
Purty sure that Marvel is a combination of mineral spirits and mineral oil, about like the atf-mineral spirits combination.
The cost is similar either way.
Good stuff, though.
But better as a lubricant than a fuel additive.