Gang Activity Restricted


Staff Emeritus
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance.

Infringement or merely a tool?

Excerpts from “Gang activity restricted in S.A. neighborhood

by Kate Hunger; Express-News Staff Writer
(San Antonio Express-News, 7/8/99, pg 1A)

“In what could signal a new weapon in the war against gang violence, authorities declared a San Antonio neighborhood a ‘safety zone,’ and have obtained a temporary restraining order against 38 individual gang members.”

“Prohibited activities range from associating with other gang members and dealing drugs to possessing a gun, spray paint, beeper or cell phone.” Some 30 types of “prohibited behavior” are banned as a class A misdemeanor (up to one year in jail). The defendants range from age
15 to 23.

“Asked whether the injunction would trample the Bill of Rights in the process of allaying citizen fears, (San Antonio District Attorney Susan) Reed said, “We have rights, but you can’t abuse them.”

A member of the DA’s office is hopeful the injunction will stand since similar measure in California seem to be withstanding legal challenges.

A local resident, Rose Mary “Perez hopes the injunction succeeds for the sake of the children.... We want to salvage them and protect the little ones.”

The editors of the San Antonio Express-News hails this effort as “a good tool” to end “the scourge of violent gangs without violating the U. S. Constitution....”

Why should I feel safer because of this injunction?
- The people named in this injunction already are forbidden to have firearms.
- Drug dealing already is illegal.
- “Tagging” (spray paint graffiti) already is illegal.
- Cell phones and beepers are no threat.

(So now the kids’ relatives
and friends carry the cell phones and beepers.)

The only additional “achievements” of this injunction is to
- prohibit possession of selected legal products, and
- outlaw specified public and private gatherings.

San Antonio already has outlawed lock-blade knives (of any kind) with certain exemptions for those who have a “legitimate” reason for
possessing one.

Now San Antonio is determining which people may meet under any conditions. Note that disorderly conduct or other criminal activity is not required for any of these two people to be charged - only their presence at the same place, at the same time. Even in a private residence.

Apparently the City Council or any judge may now determine:
- who constitutes a gang,
- with whom you may associate,
- who may come to your house,
- whom you may visit, and
- who may legally possess spray paint, lock-blade knives, cell phones, and pagers.

What other groups could be similarly controlled?
What other legal items may become prohibited?

Where can this lead? Especially under pressure from gun control

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 19, 1999).]
Nauseating. Do these twits really think restricting the right of assembly will have any effect on gang activity?

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Notice the new catch-word that is appearing more and more as our rights are stripped away - “We have rights, but you can’t abuse them.”. Who determines what "abuse" is? Aye, there's the rub. Once you get the public to accept restrictions against "them", then it's a simple matter to enlarge the scope
until we're all one big happy "them".
Let's see: First, Second, Fourth and Ninth Amendments trodden on, minimum. "For the children". Wonderful. And if these dangerous people are criminals, why aren't they charged with something and arrested?

Did anyone see the Justice Dept. report stating that the crime rate now is at its lowest since 1973? Violent crimes in particular down across the board, and our "authorities" decide we need more "protection". Any more protection, and I'll have a tough time walking back from the hardware store without committing at least 4 crimes. But, that must be the idea.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited July 20, 1999).]
This type of conduct by the "local powers that be" might in the long run help to advance the RKBA movement. As mentioned before, a whole lot of rights are being abused. And as such, their is bound to be some major tests of constitutionality in the courts. When these cases are won, and I believe they will be won as the liberals will fight for all rights save one (the 2nd Amendment), there will be more case law that will be used in helping to protect the 2nd.

I can hope can't I?

Classic government mentality. Pass (redundant) laws aimed at those who've repeatedly shown utter disrespect for the law. It can't be on the basis that they'll have more crimes to charge them with if/when they get caught, since they already don't do squat for jail time if/when they're caught. My concern is: who gets to decide who is or isn't a "gang member"? Is this the reponsibility/power of one man or a small group of people? Are there any criteria used to determine who fits this mold? Knowing how government works, I'm guessing that one police chief or one DA gets to arbitrarily decide who is a gang member. I'd wager to say that pretty soon, any younger person showing an interest in firearms will be eligible for inclusion.
What you imply may be only the tip of the iceberg.

If we expand the definition of "gang", then all age groups become eligible. Gee, don't you love the "equality" of it all?

Gun control by thought police. Aaarrrgghh.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 20, 1999).]
A similar "gang injunction" has been imposed recently in an area of Venice (Los Angeles) against a faction of the Crips street gang. It was patterned after a similar injunction placed on the 18th Street gang just west and south of downtown L.A. It's so stupid it's pathetic! The bangers just gather outside the boundaries of the injunction like one of those "push-it-down-here-it-pops-up-somewhere-else" toys. The terms of the San Antonio injunction are the same. Gee, the bangers are not allowed to carry guns! Oh really, so it was legal to carry before the injunction? They all had CCW's?

Injunctions are a halfway measure designed to mollify the community without riling up the minorities who are super sensitive to race based law enforcement (Crips are black, 18 Streeters are Hispanic) and to a degree rightly so. However, when a gang of street thugs takes over a neighborhood to the extent that law abiding citizens cannot function and live without fear and intimidation, it's time to declare martial law and bring in the troops with tracks. You'd see some of these little squirming cowards sing a new tune in a hurry!

Safe shooting - PKAY
Just yet another great idea from a lawer, gee wally if we make it more illeagal I'm sure they will stop...

As a resident of San Antonio I am little suprised by this we have one of the most micky mouse city govt around, but on the bright side they are so close to incompotent that they don't hurt us much ;>

Oh for those not from here about 8years ago the city got real smart and stoped gun shows on city property so now we have at least 1 gun show amonth either at a private location or in Live Oak which is about 750 YARDS from the city line, that should give you an idea of the smarts we are working with here.
Nestor, just be glad you don't live in Austintatious. They did the same sort of anti-gunshow deal there, wiping out a 30-year tradition of using the old city coliseum. So, the Santone gun show bunch just rented a vacant building in Austin, and now it's once a month instead of four times a year...

They don't have "Gangs" in Austin. They have politically active groups of minorities. It's often difficult to distinguish the behavior between the two types...

As usual, Art