Games with guns: More exciting than the NFL


New member
Notice: This is not about point weapons at people! And safety is the major concern.

Watching a rainy and dull football game, the discussion came up, how could you develop a team game with guns that's more exciting than the NFL.

A couple of ideas:
Moving skeet / trap: Like a football field but much longer, maybe 500 meters: First team (from a sideline position) fires a (long range?) clay pigeon toward the far goal line, the other team has to shoot it to stop the advance. You get 3 or 4 downs/ chances. Then the field and positions reverse. X minute time limit.

Kick the can: How far can each team move a can down the road / field using a small bore rifle to move it. Lots of ways to score, no one is ever in the line of fire.

Other ideas?
Maybe there's already a game like these out there?
Watching kids shoot cans with a BB gun is a lot more exciting than the NFL.

After that cluster futz w/the guy hitting the other guy with a helmet...(yeah - I know who they are, I just choose not to call them by name..)
The NFL is more like the WWF or Roller Derby.

What's next? A cage match at half time while some female singer exposes herself?
Games with guns are IPSC and USPSA. You need to pay attention to the whole game and not just the last 2 minutes like the NFL. Arrested adolescents playing a children's game, part time, for millions of dollars. Wouldn't be 3 or 4 games televised for 11.5 hours either.
"...move a can down the road..." Not with a .22. A 2" .38 revolver. And it's 4 'downs' but only in Canada. snicker.
I have a set of smallbore silhouettes. That said, I have thought of a game using them:

Set up all the targets at some reasonable distance--fifty yards, maybe. (Need to be careful of lead splatter--wear eye protection.) Chickens are worth big points, rams small points, boars and turkeys in between. Every shooter gets ten (or whatever) shots and can decide for himself what he wants to shoot at. High score wins.

You could easily do the same game with paper targets of various sizes.

Skeet game played in Europe in the service. Shooter start's at station 4 and starts walking toward station 8. Gun at belt lever and bird is released at some point and could come from either house! Kind of fun!
You could do a fun one where one player pilots a small consumer drone on an indoor obstacle course (so it can't just fly away) and the other player has a gun of some kind. Probably a 20 gauge or 12 gauge with limited shells. They have to hunt the drone down and the drone has to stay alive. Then they switch sides, so you couldn't just be a good shot, you'd have to be good with the drone too.
The shooting range I used to frequent in CA had a fun game they called "varmint shooting". Instead of "live targets of opportunity", they used the rotating handgun match target system with animal targets and timed the shooters. They would call open fire, turn the targets towards the shooters, then turn the targets away at the end of the timer. Shooters started standing and had to assume a shooting position then shoot. They used a punitive scoring system to discourage spray 'n pray (IIRC 2 points for a vitals area hit, 0 points for hitting non-vital areas, and -5 for hitting the white area of the target). Each relay took 10 seconds for shooters to shoot up to 10 aimed rounds, then targets would be collected and would be scored while the next relay would go to the firing line. Whole match usually took 30 minutes to shoot and score and maybe another 30 minutes to get prizes to the winners. It was fun.

For rifle games, look up what buckskinners do at rendezvous. Bison shoots, candle shoots, running bull, etc. Lots of fun games, just gotta use your imagination.

Moving skeet / trap
Sounds a lot like sporting clays. Shotgun games are popular and get really competitive pretty fast.
Honestly? The NFL is kind of a low bar.

I don't know if there's a slower and more tedious sport than football. It's an eleven minute game stretched out to three hours, four seconds of gameplay at a time, with literally about a hundred commercials.

So basically, I think if you could play less than one commercial per every round fired, every single shooting sport ever would be more exciting than the NFL.
There was a show on TV for about 5 years called "TOP SHOT", which had interesting shooting games done by teams.

However it also had the "vote them off the island" crap to eliminate team members until only one shooter remained to claim the grand prize. And a lot of the show was the "drama" about who got voted, and why.

Loved the shooting games, though they were not done the way I would do them (the show supplied the guns, shooters got a couple familiarization shots, but did not get to sight them in, or adjust sights (if they were adjustable sight guns).

Lots of reactive targets, breaking bottles and plates timed "duels" the shooting part was fun. The rest was garbage.