Game Warden Journal TV Show

Paul Revere

New member
For the past few Sundays I've caught this show called "Game Warden Journal" on television.

In my opinion it is an anti-hunting program in disguise. Check it out.

Not once during several segments about "poaching" was there ever a clear distinction made between the definition of "poacher" and a person legally taking game. This has and will continue to confuse sheeple into believing that there may be in fact no difference between the two, and therefore propose the question about the necessity for legal harvesting of game animals to control wildlife populations and protect fragile wildlife habitats.

In addition, this past Sunday, they ran a segment about how game wardens are now engaged in combat firearms training so that they will be prepared to handle various circumstances when encountered in the field. They mentioned one of those being the constant running into "drug related incidents". Hmmm. So picture yourself walking through the woods one evening heading back to deer camp when you're approached by a game warden, armed to the teeth with combat gear and gun(s) drawn.

Nice thought. The viewers of this show must now think that all hunters are potentially dangerous criminals or drug dealers.

The show perpetuates the need for more and more game related law enforcement since, "Our environment has never been in as much danger as it is today". Again, making hunters appear the reason the environment is in danger.

Not a single mention anywhere on this show or in their website ( about who pays the game wardens salaries or who funds the conservation departments...hunters and fishermen!!!! not regular joe taxpayers.

An assault on hunting if you ask me!
Sent 'em an email under "show suggestions," detailing some of my very positive experiences with game wardens, and asking that this kind of relationship between hunters and gamewardens be exemplified on their show.

Explained that we see 'em less as "Cop" and more as "environmental advisor".
Well sorry to say it but I think most wardens up here are anti sportsman too. :( They really suck! The tactics that they use to catch people are akin to framing. The DNR is not well liked by sportsmen in this area.
