Game bag and holster?


New member
So, I've started small game hunting with a pistol now. It's more fun than with a rifle, since the challange is greater and there's less to carry.

My problem is this:
I used to wear an upland-game vest to carry dead creatures in, but now I can't, sicne it intereferes with my holster.

What solutions have any of you found to this conflict? A small, blood-proof backpack of some sort?
It seems they have games vests that are built to not interfere with your pistol..mine don't. Mine fit good but they only come to right below my ribs. It's slot like a backpack, but there are pockets in the fron for game calls and shotgun shells. I always wear a pistol, and never have an issue with this being in the way.
If a regular bird-hunting vest won't suit you, some sort of cheap "Boy Scout" frameless backpack with a couple of plastic garbage bags for liners will work.

May not be all purty, but it'll do for bunnies and such.

:), Art