Galco Deep Cover

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New member
Does anyone have any experience with the Galco Deep Cover holster? I'm thinking about getting one, but not sure how well it works.
I used one for some time. Whitle I was awaiting my Milt Sparks VersaMax-2. It was serviceable, but was unstable. The pistol, an all steel Colt Officers Model, would tilt forward, backward, or flop down inside my pants when I attempted to tuck in my shirt.

It is a simple shell holster with a strap attached at the bottom (Down where the Muzzle is.) Attached to the strap, at the top, is a "J" hook which slips over the waistband and under the belt. The strap ends up over the thickest part of the holster which made for quite a bulge. All-in-all, the Deep Cover was serviceable for the purpose intended (To cover the lagtime until my VM-2 arrived), and sure beat a "Mexican" holster, it was not anywhere near as stable as I would have liked.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.

Fred J. Drumheller
NRA Life
NRA Golden Eagle
I largely agree with Fred. I have one and use it with a SIG P239, which is smaller and lighter and seems to be more stable than Fred's OM.

I also found that, when worn with khakis, the weight of the pistol tended to pull the holster (and it's give-away J-hook) down below the belt. Works better with heavier fabric, like jeans.

I don't feel bad, but I got it for about half of the Galco list price; if I'd paid list, I'd be a little annoyed at myself.

BTW, I have 3 Versa-Maxes and another on order. I think it's the best concealment holster I've ever seen or used, excepting only the Rosen ARG.
Sorry branrot, but holsters go in the Gear And Accessories forum (if we catch them in time :) ). Transferring this to there....
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