G96 Product Information from G96


I recently became aware of G96 products and am using them now exclusively for all my gun cleaning needs. I posted this in the wrong subform before, sorry about that.

I had some questions about the differences between their various products.

By the way, G96 Gun Treatment...my wife thought I had found a new air freshener....it smells fantastic. I may start using it as cologne.

Andy from G96 was kind to take the time in a phone call to explain things.

1) What is the difference between "Synthetic CLP Gun Oil" and "Gun Treatment" and, for that matter, "Firearm Cleaner/Degreaser" ... do they all clean the weapon the same way, and thoroughly?

Gun Treatment has been around forever and is recommended now primarily for AR-15 and below.

Gun Treatment is basically their basic, oldest gun oil in aerosol form.

Gun Treatment is petroleum based as is their non-synth CLP/Gun Oil.

Synthetic is better for heavy use military weapons. Synthetic is designed to work in harsher climates, more extreme temperatures, PLUS for higher round count use through small arms.

Synthetic is better for corrosion, particularly in salt water/humid environments, high volume rounds count.

Gun Treatment is better at removing surface rust, bit of an advantage there.

Synthetics also have some wear inhibitors to give the oil some extra strength for longer sustained firing purposes.

Gun Treatment has been around a long time, was used in Vietnam.

Once you move past past the standard AR ... go synthetic. Regular civilian use, no difference.

Recommends their grease products for higher round count applications, particularly full auto in the AR and machine guns.

Their degreaser is water based, used to clean metal before any application of lube. Does a great job cleaning off junk from plastic furniture, etc.

It also does a great job cleaning carbon at the actions, cleans it all up well, we do not market it that way because it is water based so if you do not dry it up all the metal you applied it to, it will rust. Must be followed up with protectant, etc. Most parts internally are untreated steel, so use the degreaser, but always apply Gun Treatment or synth CLP, etc.

2) Do I understand that Gun Treatment would be the last product to apply after a thorough cleaning to prevent corrosion, etc.?

Yes, either Gun Treatment or the CLP/oil.

3) Crud Buster ... does it do what non-chlorinate brake cleaner does?

Similar to non-chlorinated brake cleaner, evaporation is different and it is propelled more strongly, but same function. Must follow up with lubricant, it removes all grease, oil, etc.

4) Bore Solvent....should I use this rather than CLP when cleaning my firearms? I understand I'll need to neutralize it after use and have Kroil oil for that. I understand how it works in the bore, but was wondering about using it for cleaning other parts.

Bore solvent is designed to remove heavy copper fouling, and other contaminants, you must follow up with oil on a clean patch and neutralize everything...potent scent. You can use it on other parts, but again, must follow up with oil (Gun Treatment works well as an aerosol). Kroil Oil is often used as well as a neutralizer and it applies a thin film of protectant in the bore and chamber.

4) Where does their Silicon Spray fit in with everything above?

Silicon Spray ... just using it on the outside of firearms for great upkeep of wood or metal. Interestingly, it is used with leather holster gear, on raw leather, when you work it in, it makes the draw better because it creates a very slick surface. On the outside finished leather, just maintains a nice shine, etc.