G96 Gun Cleaner

Roland Thunder

New member
Has anyone used G-96 gun cleaner (I know it smells good). If so what is your opinion of it. I have been using Balistol and that is my preference but nobody close to where I live carry's it. I wanted to have something for back up for when I run out of Balistol.

I am also open to other products but prefer something with no carcinogens, which Balistol claims
I always have at least one can of G96 Gun Treatment on the bench. I consider it the best general gun cleaner around; it doesn't gum up and cleans both firing residue and general crud very well. It is too light to serve as long-term lubricant or rust prevention, but otherwise I like it a lot.


P.S. And it smells good.

Up here in Northern WI, G96 is pretty well known. It does really well in the cold. Plus it smells nice.

It does just about as good of a job cleaning as any other CLP in my experience. Hell, I even did a pseudo-scientific test one day between Ballistol, Breakfree CLP, and G96. Honestly didn't see much of a difference in cleaning ability, none ate copper obviously, so I just decided I wasn't going to worry about it anymore and just picked one that I liked.
We always keep a can of G96 handy at the shop. It does a good job. Not that it is any better than the others mentioned I would personally be good with any of them.
G96 has been around a long time and has good products....they make several .
The cleaners, solvents and gun treatment products I have used for many years with no complaints.
I like the products and their price.