I want the lightest trigger pull possible using factory parts. Even with the 3.5lb connector, my Glocks have a heavier trigger pull than my P7s. The P7 is perfectly suited for CCW purposes and has a lighter trigger. The lighter trigger allows me to shoot better (that is, smaller groups), and because shot placement is paramount, this feels like a safer thing to do. While this approach doesn't work for everyone, it works for me.
Once I bought a Glock 35 this summer and experienced its trigger, I decided to retrofit all of my Glocks with factory 3.5lb connectors. That's a lot of 3.5lb connectors. My compact and subcompact Glocks also have smooth trigger assemblies as well, except for my Glock 36 because one is not yet available. I replaced my Glock 35's extended slide stop with a standard one because my "manual of arms" is to rack the slide, not to use the slide stop. I tried the factory extended magazine release, but didn't like it because when carrying concealed it digs into me. I thus replaced the extended magazine release on my Glock 35 with a standard one.