G36 or G30 .45


New member
I have 3 1911's and like them but I was thinking of getting one of these Glocks but dont know which one. And which one has more recoil or are they about the same. I have a G19 now and love it very accurate..

I have a 30 and love it. The finger swells in the grip on the 36 were in the wrong place for my big fat hand with stubby fingers. The 36 is a little easier to conceal but the 30 gives you 4 four more rounds for that 1/8 inch difference. Which ever one fits you the best.
I have a couple of 1911s and I also have a G30. I tried to dislike the Glock but I can't. Its my usual choice for carry. I have handled but not shot a G36. Get the 30: a Glock ought to have a fat handle, no? I have also heard that the recoil with the 36 is none too pleasing. Hope this helps.
I had a 30 and sold it for the 36. The 30 is a great gun if, and that is a big if, it fits your hand. The grip is fat and unless you have a big hand or long fingers, it may give you problems. My 30 would beat-up the first knuckle of my thumb pretty good. The first time I used it in an IDPA match this summer it drew blood from that knuckle. I realized that I needed a gun with a better fit FOR ME.

Handled the 36 and it fit MY hand/grip much better than the 30, so I bought it. The recoil/muzzle lift is more with the 36, it is noticeable, but it is not significantly more. I get a better grip on the 36 than I did the 30, so the extra bit of recoil is negated by the better grip. After the first range session, I put an Agrip on it and this thing is amazing. It is super thin and provids great traction. Any Glock I buy in the future will be adorned with the Agrip.

The 36 seems easier to conceal and much easier to wear all day for me compared to the 30. Would suggest you look at the Hume line of holsters at http://www.wrbss.com. Great holsters at great prices, and Bill from wrbss is great to deal with. Lastly, the 36 has 4 less rounds than the 30, and this is a consideration.

I would strongly suggest that you should shoot both before you buy. Best of luck in whichever you choose.

The Glock 30 is widely reported to be the most accurate Glock of all. And if you compare them all, it is the softest recoiling 45 with the G21 and the G36 really packing a wallop on your wrist.

Plus that, you can use the G21 hi-caps in your G21.

People may be pretty dim but as a collective their purchase decisions are logical. Glock 30 without a doubt unless you have tiny hands, then you're in a world of hurt.

Here is yet another G30 owner heaping paeans of praise upon this marvelous weapon. I thought that the recoil would be atrocious. :eek: Not so, I found out. In fact, the recoil is not as sharp as my G19, or G26. I was pleasently surprised.:D
I owned a G21 and had experiences having a G30 as my CCW. IMHO, the G30 is more accurate, recoil is mild and fits my hand perfectly (which might be a factor on your part,maybe). I never had any experience with the G36 other than handling it at a gun show. Hope this helps you out.
Never shot the G36, but I was really impressed with the accuracy and handling of the G30. However, I have fairly large hands and want something a little bigger. I order a USP .45 yesterday, but the G30 is an excellant gun.