G W Bush


New member
After watching the shenanigans on TV this weekend ( the straw poll in ...ah ...was it Iowa) and the analysis of the results I have come to the conclusion,

George W bush is the Republican version of Bill Clinton!

Looks like the Libertarians have another convert, Me.

Geoff Ross
Voting for a third party candidate in a national election is the best way to ensure you get a Democrat in office. Might want to reconsider.

We've been down this road before, and the scenery is getting tiresome.

At least if a Democrat gets in, we can do away with this incrementalism horsehockey.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Rik, the assumption is that third party voters come from the GOP. Before I went Libertarian, I was (cringe) a Democrat. And (cringe) a socialist. So, it seems like I take votes from the Democrats, not anyone else. Don't fall for that GOP line.
Always ready to update:


BTW, Gov. Bush seems very happy with 30.2% of the vote. If we follow the Republican argument, his victory means two out of three voted "against" him.

24,549 total votes
23,676 accounted for below:

7418 Bush
4921 Forbes
3401 Dole
2114 Gary Bauer (who?)
1719 Pat Buchanan
1428 Lamar Alexander
1101 Alan Keyes
916 Dan Quayle
558 Orrin Hatch (Sen)
83 McCain (did not even participate!)
9 John Kasich (Rep), R-OH
8 Bob Smith (Sen) R-NH

873 votes unaccounted for in the newpaper article on hand.

San Antonio Express-News; 8/15/99; Pg 1A

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 16, 1999).]
RikWriter is right!!! A vote for a third party is a vote for the Democrats.

Before you "vote your conscience" this next election, remember there will be Supreme Court vacancies to fill by the next president. As much as I would like to vote third party, this next election is too darn important to take chances with.

With the court decisions in Texas and California on their way to the Supreme Court, this next presidential election will be one of the most important in this nations history!

Please don't play games and let Al Gore or Bill Bradley pick any anti-gun judges.

What Mort said. I, too, went straight from "don't care" and typically voting Democratic (didn't research anything, just beleived what the talking heads said) to informed Libertarian.
I admit that this is a negative position, but IMHO Job One during the next election is to defeat Al Gore and/or Bill Bradley. Gore would certainly perpetuate Clinton's relentless anti-gun demagoguery. And Bradley is, to my mind, even more extreme than Gore. These two men need to be drubbed at the polls, if only as a lesson to any other elitists and zealots who might want to step up and take their place.

I won't say that I don't care who defeats Gore and Bradley. Certainly, I wouldn't want Mrs. Dole to win the election. But whoever sends Gore and Bradley packing gets my vote. And, right now, that looks like Bush Jr.

Just my $0.02.
I've rather liked Forbes, but consider him an unlikely winner. Sorry to briefly change the subject, but is Forbes any better re: firearms? He did fairly well in the straw poll.
I think I'll vote Democrat. Just to get this whole thing over with, as Coinneach said.

Sometimes the best way over something is to go right through it.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 16, 1999).]
If the Republicans want my vote, they can bloody well produce someone I want to vote for. I haven't changed my pro-freedom attitude in the last decade or so, but the Republicans have spared no effort in their charge to the rear on most things that I hold important. Someone needs to talk to THEM, not the people they've offended against!

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
The Republicans (Menshiveks, Fabians, etc) are only slightly better than their brethern, the Democrats (Bolsheveks, Statists, etc).

The only difference is the timetable.

There isnt anything the Fabians wont compromise on. Hell, they wont even stick to their own platform. The leadership of the two parties is joined at the head. I defy anyone to prove me wrong, the record speaks for itself. Im not flaming anyone, but its time to do as the Republicans once did, themselves, when they split from the Whig party. Until then, they are the same smell as the Democrats. :(

Now, tell me again why I should vote for them?

Heck, maybe we should all vote for the Dems...at least the incrementalism would end ;)
I say we need to recruit another Professional Wrestler. If media coverage wins elections, any wrestler would be a shoe in.
Besides, if you can't convince congress to do right, you can just kick their butts! :)
Do you guys think Big comrade is really going to give up his throne in Jan. 2001? I believe his handlers consider Bill the right man at the right time for the completion of the decades old mission of the destruction of our nation and replacement with a one world system. The Republicans,with a few exceptions like Tom Delay who was nearly killed , Senator IMhoff who was frightend to death by a near accident(propeller fell off, and Bob Barr, have all BOwed before the uncrowned Emperator. Klinton can declare a national emergency and easily turn the masses into adoring subjects. Americans in general,except for a small remnent, want to be led and the coniving Republicans have led the way in the last 5 years to following Bill no matter where he went. If Bill made a sudden stop, the Republicans would be up his you know what. THe Republican Party is as guilty as Big Comrade is bringing down this once great nation. Heck, they are more guilty. The question someday wil be asked why the Republicans helped Bill sell their country out to the one system. Senator Smith and Allan Keyes are the only 2 on that list worthy of my respect. And some on that list are equal in treachery to any member of the present Regime in power. By the way, i used to be a registered Republican.
And, speaking of Republicans, how 'bout ol' Newt? No wonder Bubba got away with it all, they're ALL dirty!
When Limbaugh asked "Where's the outrage?", I couldn't help but think that the reason there was little outrage was that Bubba was acting like most folks EXPECT pols to act. He just got caught.
Now we see Newt almost proving that.

It doesn't matter, really, be it Republican or Democrat, the SOB's can't keep their hands out of our pockets, or their genitalia in their pants! :) :)
I don't know if we could even trust Libertarians, it must be something in the water in D.C. that causes poisoning of the ego, and makes it swell up and cut off circulation to the ethics! ;)

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...