G.W. Bush draws Gores' ire


New member
Bush signs law banning gun lawsuits in Texas and all Gore can do is criticise him for taking a stand on principle. Me thinks gore cries too much, especially after the defeats in congress this week. Some just don't get the message.
I think we need to give George W. a mandate unheard of in Washington along with a Republician stacked congress. Okay there are some conservative Democrats out there that have earned another term, maybe some more will switch parties.
Much like the 10 Commandants the writing is on the wall, we just have to keep driving the nail in a little deeper to keep it there.
How strong is George W's stance on guns? Does he have a record that will verify his stance?

I don't want another Bush that will say one thing and do another.
Well for what it's worth, below is a copy of an email I got from GOA on May 4, 1999. I faxed Bush telling him what I thought and saying that if I had been misinformed to please correct me. Of course, I did not hear anything back. So maybe he is doing some flip flopping. Your guess is as good as mine.



Multi-state Alert: Tell Gov. Bush of Texas to Stop Supporting Gun

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Dear Pro-Gun Activist,

Your immediate grassroots action is required to help us stop Gov. George W. Bush and the high-powered lobbyists from Handgun Control in a scheme to take away yet more of the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Recently, Governor Bush pushed an anti-gun bill sponsored by liberal Texas Rep. Debra Danburg (D-Houston). Rep. Danburg introduced House Bill 1199 to require anyone at a gun show, even those who want to sell a single gun from his or her private collection, to undertake intrusive, big-overnment background checks. Such a computer system allows the government to spy on and track gun owners.

Even though pro-gun legislators killed HB 1199 in committee, insiders are concerned Gov. Bush may make a back-room deal to revive
HB 1199 in the closing days of the legislature.

And in an article in the Dallas Morning News on April 28, 1999 Bush went even further stating, "I think the federal government needs to expand its background checks so that they become effective."

I to received the GAO information, I contacted the G.W.Bush Governors office in Austin, TX. I got a reply that is encouraging. The way I look at it under our system, even if there is a third party candidate (spoiler) that is appealing to the conservatives and libertarians it only dilutes the Republician vote. What you then have is another mess like we have now. Clinton has never gotten the majority vote only the most votes in a 3 way election. To me that equals no winners except the minority then rules with what they call a mandate!!!
I will post the letter from George W. Bush later. At least he took a public stand and showed some backbone when everyone else is crying to take the 2nd Amendent apart in the belief that it will save the children. Excuse me folks let me take care of my kids, the government doesn't even have to pass more draconian laws to save me.
After the house vote on Friday to pass the juvenile crime bill all Gore could do was lambast the Republicians for not supporting the President who hides behind the shield/seal of Save the Children. I watched him hide before when I put my ass on the line in Viet Nam. If the issue were so important to the Clinton/Gore/Demoncrat bleeding heart liberals it would stand on its own merits. Then the majority of the people would support the agenda.
However, what I see is a minority agenda being shoved down our throats in the name of a feel good, sounds good no brainer. Without the majority of the citizens support any legislation, executive orders, or bureacracy mandate will only lead to further distrust of the government. When you have the distrust sufficiently entrenched you will have division that cannot be dealth with by mere words.

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 19, 1999).]