FYI...Celebrity Open letter to NRA


Moderator Emeritus
Just caught a blurb on the news...apparently there will be an open letter to the NRA published, endorsed by a bunch of anti-gun celebs. Keep your eyes open and wallets closed.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Post it!


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Bill Mahor, host of Politically Incorrect, mentioned it on his program Monday night stating Rosie was circulating it and he was a supporter.
BTW. Rosie is supposedly on vacation for the next month. I'm sure she won't spend the time to actually study the issues and facts but rest assured she will use the spare time to make further attacks upon our rights.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Oh well...can be on top and timely on everything

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I noticed some action stars signed it, which I thought was hypocritical. Also I found it interesting that Spielbergs wife signed it. I would like to here some of that dinner conversation.
I read it at a gun store last evening. Disgusting, ignorant and absurd. But all of this has been good for me in one way - until this year, I was absolutely unaware that so many entertainers are actually constitutional attorneys and experts on self-defense ...

These poor folks are laboring under delusions of adequacy.
This is why FOUP must be run and soon!!!!! Show these high and mighty pr*cks what the people really believe and that we will not be ruled by Washington OR Hollywood!!
Would somebody post, link or direct me to this letter. I'd be interested in what was said and who signed it.
I could only find this reference in another newsgroup. I post it without being able to verify it's accuracy.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If you check out today's USA Today, you'll see a full page ad taken by Handgun Control ( on page 5D. There are about 200 celebrity names signed to the letter including Springsteen's
The copy reads:


We are not "gun haters." But we hate what guns are doing to our communities, our schools, our families and, most especially, our children. Guns do not bleed. Children do. Every day we lose nearly 13 children to gun violence in this country. A classroom every other day.

This debate is not about guns. It's about our children. Whatever you may think about the 2nd Amendment, our children do not have a "right to keep and bear arms." In fact, it's not about anyone's right to own a firearm. It's about everyone's right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." It's about the responsibility that we all have for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, children and other prohibited purchasers. It's about the simple things that gun owners and non-gun owners alike can do to prevent children and other prohibited purchasers from getting guns.

We stand for these basic principles:

- No child should have unsupervised access to a firearm
- No handgun should be sold without a child safety lock
- No gun should be sold without a background check. No exceptions. - There should be a minimum waiting period of 72 hours on all handgun purchases to provide for a "cooling off" period and to give police time to complete a thorough background check
- No one should be able to buy more than one handgun per month. The only people who need to buy more than twelve handguns per year are the professional gun traffickers who make a living reselling guns to children and criminals - No more semi-automatic assault weapons. No more ammunition clips holding more than 10 rounds. We don't need more killing power on our streets.

If we do all these things, not a single law-abiding adult would be denied a firearm for self-defense, for recreation or any other legitimate purpose. Not a single one. But we might just save the life of a child and spare some family a lifetime of sorrow. Is that too much to ask?

[there are about 200 names listed. here are a few]
David Arquette
Kevin Bacon
Alec Baldwin
William Baldwin
Bob Barker
Drew Barrymore
Richard Belzer
Tony Bennett
Candice Bergen
Jon Bon Jovi
Benjamin Bratt
James Brolin
Albert Brooks
Kate Capshaw
Judy Collins
Kevin Costner
Walter Cronkite
Sheryl Crow
Matt Damon
Ellen Degeneres
Phil Donahue
Marion Wright Edelman
Missy Elliott
Nora Ephron
Melissa Etheridge
Mia Farrow
Sally Field
Carrie Fisher
Doug Flutie
Andy Garcia
Richard Gere
Spalding Gray
Ethan Hawke
Anne Heche
Whitney Houston
David E. Kelley
Kevin Kline
Lenny Kravitz
Lisa Kudrow
Christine Lahti
k.d. lang
Spike Lee
John Leguizamo
Gerald M. Levin
Kyle MacLachlan
Camryn Manheim
Penny Marshall
Bette Midler
Mary Tyler Moore
Mike Myers
N Sync
Mike Nichols
Jack Nicholson
Rosie O'Donnell
Sarah Jessica Parker
Michelle Pfeiffer
Dennis Quaid
Aidan Quinn
Bonnie Raitt
Paul Reiser
Anne Riche
Natasha Richardson
Tim Robbins
Julia Roberts
Renee Russo
Meg Ryan
Susan Sarandon
Jerry Seinfeld
Mira Sorvino
*Bruce Springsteen*
Patrick Stewart
Sharon Stone
Meryl Streep
Barbra Streisand
Uma Thurman
Shania Twain
Harvey Weinstein
Jann Wenner
Rita Wilson

Sarah Brady, Chair

Visit our website at

Paid for by Handgun Control[/quote]

If I can locate the ad I'll scan it and post it.


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited June 11, 1999).]
Many thanks and please do scan the entire ad if you locate it.

All: I advise we all save this...when they go after "sniper rifles", scopes, Barretts, etc we can pull this out and prove their duplicity.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There's lots of hypocrites on THAT list! They can't be so dumb that they don't know what the Second Amendment is all about.

And Madonna! There's a paragon of virtue and good taste! Whoooeee! ROFLMAO!

Disgusted Grump
Operative tactic:
"But we might just save the life of a child..."

Unfortunately, most of these people are probably OK. Unfortunately, they've bought into the HCI disinformation that the NRA is "the most powerful lobbying group...."; "refuses to compromise..."; that the new law contains nothing but provisions to prevent school violence, etc, etc, etc.

Sickening? Yes. Surprising? No. Most people just don't think it's that important to research the issues in depth. I'm ill.
A few things to consider:

It is extremely hard to find a reference to this letter anywhere. Even the HCI website doesn't mention it (yet). The Rosie board doesn't seem to have seen it either. It doesn't strike me as being a very effective piece of propaganda. Of course, being published just as "peace" breaks out in Kosova may help account for that.

Did the signers actually pay to run this letter? I note that HCI paid for it and the signers only had to lend their names. Just another feel good cause for them. And it is so reasonable, all people have to do is "get along" "for our children" and make reasonable "compromises" to "save just one life".

Finally, USA Today has a circulation of c. 2.3 million. The dumbing down of US citizens has hit newspapers particularly hard. I doubt if enough people even noticed it to make much difference. If the electronic media picks up on it then it may have an effect on public opinion.


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited June 12, 1999).]
>In fact, it's not about anyone's right to >own a firearm. It's about everyone's right >to "life, liberty and the pursuit of >happiness."

Aside from the obvious question: If it's not about anyone's right to own a firearms why are they so obsessed with who gets to own them?

I'd like to see the citation from the Constitution guaranteeing the right to "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness". This passage is from the declaration of independence and does not formally declare such a right. The right to keep and bear arms is clearly stated in the Second Amendment, creative, agenda-oriented reinterpretations notwithstanding.

So the right they declare themselves in favor of, the right they declare trumps the right to bear arms is not a US Constitutional right.

The Consititution and its Amendments guarantee access to the means of pursuing life liberty and happiness. The Constitution never attempts to guarantee a specific outcome. Being happy, continuing life, and living in liberty are outcomes that it is our *responsiblity* to achieve and maintain. The Constitution gives us the means to do this, but the founder of any nation would be a fool to try and enumerate specific guaranteed outcomes ... and unlike the signatories to this letter the founders of this nation were definitely not fools.

Well, I hope someone can post a complete list of names. It would be worth it to me to make sure everyone of these entertainers know's how I feel about there stand.

I know there's a couple of them that I have tapes or CD's of. Back those go. With a note saying "Liberty means not having to live under tyranny." I might have even gone to see a movie or two with some of these entertainers in it. No way now. Instead of paying 7 backs I'm buying a stamp. One to the "star" the other to their owner.

And what does FOUP mean??

Live Free, or Die...

FOUP means <A HREF="">Firearms Owners Unification Project</A> just click on the link and it will tell you all about it.
Here is how I'm going to handle it. I am saving the list of names posted here. Everytime my wife says "lets go to a movie" and the one she picks (I do not normally pick any movie)has one of those that signed the ad, I will be sending $10.00 to the NRA and then helping to pick a movie that does not contain any of these anti-gunners. I already send between $700 - $800 per year to the NRA/GOA, so what is another $100 or so bucks. You can make book on this one from me. What a bunch of unthinking do-gooders. I wonder how many of them are closet gun owners?

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
You Know,

I just don't get it. Why in blazes do people assume that because someone "plays make believe or sings" for a living, that they are some kind of scholar. These people don't even have real jobs producing anything of real value (not the same as making money). The truth of it is, that most of these people are border-line morons. Because they can remember some lines, kiss someone's a$$ or suck their (you know what), they are royalty with superior understanding or instant sages. BUUUUUUUUUUUUULLL CRAAAAP!

In my opinion, 95% of all actors are pure prostitutes, extremely self centered, ignorant, vastly over paid and morally bankrupt,and many of the singers and professional sports people aren't much better. Why on earth do people give what THEY say so much weight? The dumbing of America is almost complete, there is only us left.

Movie and professional sport attendance are at an all time high. I bet a thousand years from now, history teachers will be able to say; "You could always tell when a society was about to go to hell and crumble, because there was a big up-surge in interest and attendance in diversionary past times such as sports, theater, etc.".

Well, Thanks for reading, I feel a little better now.

[This message has been edited by TEX (edited June 13, 1999).]