Fussy yugo m48 mauser spring leaf sight


New member
Is anyone familiar with the rear sight leaf of the yugo m48? Did they make these with a pin to remove, ears to remover or both? When I rotate the sight,the pin rotates with it, so I'm not sure what type I have or how to remove it :/
Your sight rotates?

Assuming you are trying to remove it, I believe it comes off the same as on a K98k, you push down the front and slide it back.
I think that what is being discussed is the little crossways pin in the rear sight. Called the Sicherungsstift ("securing pin") it was one of a number of small upgrades which were made during development of the K98k. Its purpose is to prevent the rear sight leaf from being lost if the sight spring breaks. It is usually very tight and difficult to remove since removal of the rear sight leaf by the user was not authorized.

ugh, yea i noticed that i can apply alot of pressure straight down on the ladder and see the notches and pins move down within the ears. Is there a way to remove these safety pins?
The pin is a straight pin, no tapers, nothing fancy, except that some are in tight or have rusted in place. Either way, (barring a broken spring) there is really no reason to take the sight apart unless you are one of those folks who just has to take things apart.

Penetrating oil.

Don't beat it to death. That'll just flare the ends of the pin and make things worse.

I've removed two on Yugos. Both were very stubborn, but ended up preferring to go one way over the other. (Don't recall which direction that was.)
Eh, I'd like to try a "drop in" mojo sight. I prefer not to do any permanent changes. What's a good penetrating oil that Yall would recommend?
Liquid Wrench should be fine.

Everyone has their own preferences.
Personally, I like the CRC Ultra Screwloose. But, I can rarely find it and can't justify buying a full case to cover shipping. So my current stock is mostly PB Blaster (spray can - stinks!) or Liquid Wrench (spray or oil can).

You can also mix up your own by combining automatic transmission fluid (ATF) and acetone.