Funny thing racking the sig


New member
Have had a sig 232 for ccw since December, 2000. When manually racking the slide to chamber a round the slide remains open about 1/4 of the time. A gentle nudge w/the heel of my hand shoves the round into battery. Please note, the gun has never failed to cycle during firing.

1. What could be causing this problem?

2. Does nudging the slide damgage the round in any manner?
Yours is a relatively new gun. Besides needing to be shot a little to loosen it up, hand racking does not necessarily generate enough velocity to work the action fully. When you release the slide, let it "fly" home instead of easing it forward (which I don't think you're doing from what you're describing). The hesistation to close isn't a problem which won't work out in the due course of time and use (so go out & shoot it some more!).
Range trip my hind end! This guys in the process of justifying to himself and his wife that he needs another pistol. Being the wise man he is, I'll bet he goes Glock.

Mine does the same thing, on occasion. It *HAS* FTF while live firing three times, I think, each time with aggressive hollow-point profile ammo, and all three times were VERY early in its career (its my off-duty carry gun, and I wouldn't be carrying it if it continued THAT behaviour). I seem to recall that it *hated* Silvertips, FWIW. Hydras have been reliable.

The problem has since smoothed out (so to speak), with no FTF while firing in recent history (the gun is fired weekly, with both practice and duty ammo) and only the occasional FTF while racking the slide (almost always by my wife, I think she's afraid she'll break it if she lets it fly :D).

I'm not all that concerned about it, but whenever I hear my wife at the next booth clearing a malfunction I start to wonder: is this a feedramp-polishing issue, or some other at-home fix? If so, I'd want to get it ironed out. I'm anal like that. ;)


PS Possibly a stiffer recoil spring?