Funny Look into the Liberal Mind on Voting


New member
Yesterday, a liberal emailed me urging me to write the FL DOE and call for a re-vote. Much to my (probably former) liberal friend I did the opposite! Thread here:

This interesting exchange shows how their minds work. Granted I am a little harsh in my response, but I think the reasoning is sound.

From: Me
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000
To: Liberal
Subject: RE: Florida ballot


I was quite aware of the situation long before you sent this; however, I was unaware of the web site set up to email the department of elections, and for that I thank you. With any luck, they have been flooded with demands of no recount. I'm not sorry to say that if you are too stupid to read the ballot correctly, you are way too stupid to be allowed to vote. Period. I saw the ballot. There were big arrows. It was not confusing. If a few addle brained dimwits couldn't figure it out, so be it. Funny how those same people were all voting democrat. Wonder if there's a connection? The bottom line is 19,000 morons couldn't read a ballot. Consider it an intelligence test to vote. They failed. Tough. Not to mention a few hundred thousand people did indeed read that ballot correctly. How'd they manage to do that I wonder?

By the way, if you have been paying attention, there are miscounts all across the country in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Chicago in particular, New Mexico, and other states. Last reports mentioned they're not even sure if Gore won the popular vote, and even as it stands now, he only won by approximately 120,000 out of nearly 100 million votes.

No matter how you cut it, the next four years will be a miscount. We are already a nation divided, Balkanized. The line has been drawn in the sand, and I really don't care M which side you're on, because America is about the freedom of choice, but I've had enough of dumbing down America to pander to a few vocal morons who don't have the common sense to be ashamed of their own stupidity. Such is the state of this great nation.

-----Original Message-----
From: liberal
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 8:34 AM
To: Me
Subject: RE: Florida ballot

if you listened to any of the reports from palm beach you would know that
they protested BEFORE the close of voting tuesday knowing that the ballot
was in fact difficult to read and too many people voted incorrectly. i
cannot believe you sent this and had i known you were that unaware of things
i would've never sent this to you.

i really don't care who wins however if i was in that situation i would've
wanted my vote to be counted correctly. thank you for possibly making the
next 4 years an miscount.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Me
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 6:03 PM
> To: Liberal
> Subject: RE: Florida ballot
> Thank you so much for sending me this. I hope there is time
> to prevent a
> true blow against democracy. I sent the following:
> "Dear Election Director Roberts:
> The integrity of the 2000 Presidential election now rests in
> your hands.
> Please use the full power of your office to PREVENT re-vote of the
> Presidential race in Palm Beach County!! Allowing anyone to
> change their
> vote AFTER an election is very wrong, and against court precedent.
> (See
> (Nelson v. Robinson, 301 So.2d 508, Fla. Ct. App. 2d Dist.,
> 1974.) "Keeping
> in mind that we are talking about a claim made after an
> election, and not
> one which may have been enforceable before, if a candidate
> appears on the
> ballot in such a position that he can be found by the voters upon a
> responsible study of the ballot, then such voters have been
> afforded a full,
> free and open opportunity to make their choice for or against that
> particular candidate; and the candidate himself has no
> constitutional right
> to a particular spot on the ballot which might make the voters' choice
> easier. His constitutional rights in the matter end when his
> name is placed
> on the ballot. Thereafter, the right is in the voters to have
> a fair and
> reasonable opportunity to find it; and as to this, it has
> been observed that
> the constitution intended that a voter search for the name of
> the candidate
> of his choice and to express his of the candidate of his
> choice without
> regard to others on the ballot. Furthermore, it assumes his
> ability to read
> and his intelligence to indicate his choice with the degree of care
> commensurate with the solemnity of the occasion".
> Please do not make a mockery of our institution of democracy.
> Do NOT allow a
> re-vote. It is wrong and unfair to the millions of voters
> whose intelligence
> is 'commensurate with the solemnity of the occasion'".
> I have also posted this to one of the web's largest
> pro-second boards, and I
> sincerely hope the members will flood this email address.
> Thanks again,
> Me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liberal
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 5:13 PM
> Subject: FW: Florida ballot
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tuffs, Ian []
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 3:54 PM
> Subject: Florida ballot
> >
> >As you know, the presidential election, which now hangs on less than
> 1000
> >votes in Florida, may now be determined by a poorly designed ballot
> form,
> >which may have led some voters to accidentally vote for a candidate
> that
> >they did not support.
> >
> >The website address listed below shows the controversial Palm Beach
> ballot
> >form, as shown by the Sun-Sentinel, a South Florida newspaper.
> >
> >
> <>
> >
> >If you are concerned that the nullification of more than
> 19,000 votes
> would
> >unjustly serve the interests of the country, you may send an
> email to
> the
> >Florida Secretary of State urging a revote in Palm Beach
> county. The
> >website address listed below allows you to express your
> concern to the
> >Florida Secretary of State. It only takes a second... the letter is
> >already written, you just need to sign it with your info and send it
> off...
> >
> >
> <>
> >

I suspect I will be removed from Liberal M's cc list.