Funny Bloom County cartoon about liberals and hunting


New member
And just so nobody gets excited, this is just a joke, intended to be funny,not a slam on any hunters, liberals, or anyone else, on my part.

Thought it was pretty funny though, and might be appreciated by this crowd, as its got guns, hunting, and pokes fun at liberals.Seems like it would be a winner here.:D

I actually have the book that contains that one
yup,I used to have ALL the books, but they were lost over the years during moves and what not.Still have 2 stuffed Opus dolls though:D:o
I've been re-reading every one of the comics online lately, staring with the very beginning in 1982. Still very funny, and brings back lots of good memories.TONS offunny political stuff from "back in the day" with Reagan, Mondale, etc.Good stuf...
Yep! Love it. I copied it and will send it on. and on. and on. and on.!

Thats why he no longer does it, He :Dwas too good.

A Man Before his times! Or a Great Brain!
I don't get it, no penguins on hunting expiditions? (Just kidding, I remember when he first started his stuff.) Hilarious.
Go rent the movie 2nd hand lions if you are a fan of

BB's ..... Not only are Robert Duval and Michael Caine awesome in it.... figure of the 'Bloom County' part.... watch the closing credits.