Funnel of Death link

That is a lot of prose. It could be summed up in a few bullet points. that are contained in the essence of the writing. It's good stuff, but I prefer something more terse and to the point.
Marc Mcyoung

He is pretty wordy. But there is alot of good information on his site. I have one of his videos "How To Survive a Knife Fight" informative and entertaining.
The line of sight he showed in his drawing is only a funnel shaped concept of how we see and perceive.

A true "funnel of death" is a situation or location specifically chosen by an ambusher in order to make shooting the intended targets easier and less complicated.

An example used in Viet Nam was det cord laid out on the say the West edge of a North South road, . . . as a group of targets came into the area, the det cord was blown, . . . everyone on the road would jump to the East, . . . perhaps going past the tree line on that side of the road. The actual kill zone was there, . . . the trees were full of claymores, . . . the area on the east side of the tree line became a "funnel of death".

The det cord "herded" the intended targets to the funnel of death.

Chasing the enemy up a trail to a bridge created a funnel of death as they tried to cross the bridge, . . . interlocking M60's on each side of the bridge made the funnel work.

May God bless,
I agree with Dwight55; a funnel of death is where your only escape routes are either back or toward the threat. Examples of this is a hallway or a stair way. In my training they termed these a Fatal Funnel & it had nothing to with sights & target acquisition.