Fun shoot in Ohio

3 gun

New member
The last fun shoot of the year at Tusco Rifle Club in
Midvale is this weekend .
Rumor has it that one of the ranges will have a
rifle/pistol combo requiring up to 30 rounds. What do
they have in mind? Bring your high power rifle and a
pistol with LOTS of ammo and find out! As always the
shoot is for fun and all safe equipment and shooters
are welcome.

Looks like the weather should be pretty good for this
time of the year.

Hope to see you on the line. Mark
I'll be there, with Coronach and a newbie in tow. I just hope the newbie doesn't outshoot mike, it might injure that fragile cop-ego of his :D
Any new to Tusco shooters out there? Don't be bashful. These are FUN shoots for all skill levels. All safe shooters and equipment are welcome. Run the rifle course with your scoped pistol. Clear the short course with your HD shotgun. Bring your full auto if you have one. The course of fire can be anything! Pepper poppers, large and small, steel plates, bowling pins, who knows until you reach the line. You can shoot all day for as little as $5. No need to worry if your holster is legal. What's a power factor? Who cares how many rounds your mag holds! This is a FOR FUN shoot. Kids and seniors shoot free. Hot food and drinks are available in the snak-bar. The fun starts around 10 and runs until...Bring plenty of ammo ;) If you have any questions check the Tusco web site or drop me a note. I hope to see some new faces on the line.
I hope to make it on sunday. I dont think I will get to shoot as I will have one of my kids with me. I am looking forward to checking it out. How long dose it take to get there from Northfield

Well, the weather for today has changed from good to bad. What else is new for Ohio this time of year. I hope this doesn't change anyone's plans about coming out today. We do have covered firing lines at Tusco, hot food and drinks at the snak-bar and if the weather keeps enough people away (the wimps ;) ) you can really get A LOT of shooting in for your range fee (usually just $5). I'll be there and hope you are too :) . See you on the line.
I'll be there, with Coronach and a newbie in tow. I just hope the newbie doesn't outshoot mike, it might injure that fragile cop-ego of his
Yah know, I missed this before...

Everyone be sure to ask Falconer how our day went.

Anyone who stayed in due to the weather missed out. A few sprinkles, a little mud, but by and large very comfortable and a very fun day for a shoot.

Mike - I'm just waiting for Tom to chime in on the "head to head" you guys did on the rifle range. I distinctly remember someone with a "fragile cop-ego" outshooting someone with a "cocky college kid" ego... ;)

Thanks for letting my try out your P232 today. Sure spins them targets nice...

Atticus - Great to finally meet you, man! :)

Thanks for the reminders from Mark on this shoot. Can't wait until spring!
Mike - I'm just waiting for Tom to chime in on the "head to head" you guys did on the rifle range. I distinctly remember someone with a "fragile cop-ego" outshooting someone with a "cocky college kid" ego...
Now now now...I did not say that. I pointedly did not say that...;)


PS And only nine seconds from chocolate, too. Damn. And others were only 9.9 seconds (and one mortally wounded hostage) from chocolate as well...

PPS Steel plates tremble at the mere mention of 3Gun's name :eek: He actually got to eat chocolate...
"He actually got to eat chocolate..." not like I needed it. The nut clusters where better than the truffles. It seems that I missed a lot of the goings on around me. But then again with 3 ranges running and all that there is to see and do at one of these shoots, how could you not help but miss something? Like how about all the full auto stuff out! Tommyguns, Mac's, Uzi's, MP5's, M-16's, M-14's but no belt fed, bummer.

Turns out I was to right about the weather, hope everyone got home safe and sound. Glad to be able to add the new faces to the names, just wish Bill (1S1K) had been able to stay longer. Missed some of the regulars (Ron, Brian etc.) Hope they had as good a day as we did, but that is a high standard to meet.

Pass the word along guys, rub it in a little even, maybe we can get some of the other Ohio TFL members to join us in the spring. Until then remember the 4 rules and enjoy the up coming holidays. (and watch for posts about indoor shoots!)

Thanks for taking the time to show me around. I told some friends about the plate shoot and we are looking forward to March. Plate shooting is a lot different from the the High Power Matches. I think I need a M-14, it has to be faster then a bolt gun!

