Fun G18 videos


New member
One of them is slow motion. U can see the forces the plastic frame takes every shot, and it's only a 9mm. And it's a G18. I paused the slow mo one when it was firing the other day, pretty cool... I'll take 3. I wonder how much one of those would cost for me being a civilian and all.
My G17 likes to throw brass at my face every once in a while. Doesn't look like they eject in an orderly manner.
Now that is a crazzzzy video

But with that said, its just one more proof that spray and pray does not make very good accuracy.
Yea he hit all 3 targets but didn’t look like more than 50%, it was still a cool video all the same.
I was a little surprised at the movement of the frame vs slide, there are a lot of forces there.
Cool video,,, thanks.
I just wish my 26 could do that.
Hate to break it to you, but you won't be able to get a G-18 or 18C unless it's the arsoft version. There maybe one or two of the G-18s in civilian hands so it's very unlikely you'll find one or if you do be able to pay the asking price. In order to get the either of the 18s you'll need to have a military or LE licence. Ain't America great when it comes to laws.
Any decent IPSC shooter should be able to keep bursts of any length from a Glock 18 on a silhouette at 10 yards. It's not that hard, just different.
