Fun factor of S&W 610 over 686?

wild cat mccane

New member
Hey there,

Speaking specifically about fun of a loud gun with a concussion, I am still thinking about picking up a 4" S&W 610.

What do you all think that have one or fired one? Not even close to a 357mag in sound or close enough?
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Having owned I don't know how many .357s, and 4 10MM revolvers, I'd say that muzzle blast/concussion/"slapped in the face" feeling of the .357 is noticeably greater. This, even when using the old 10mm Norma, current Buffalo Bore, Underwood and equivalent heavy reloads in 10MM...
Thank you kindly for the response.

So the 357 is greater. Check. Might the 10mm in those high loads be more of a recoil/sound fun factor than a typical auto?

I know. Stupid question. Just like revolvers for the fun of them. Nothing really else. So if the 10mm in the 610 isn't just outright fun shooting, I'll finally put this one to bed.
Remember that the M610 is the larger N-frame vs. the L-framed 686. The added mass of the N-frame
helps to mitigate the 10mm recoil. My M610 is a peach to shoot, but I guess I haven't shot stout 357 Mags out of a 686, because I never did really notice that much of a recoil difference.
Thanks. Not necessarily looking for recoil but blast. Have you noticed a 10mm in your 610 to be anywhere near as fun as any 357 for blast? (ie report/noise/etc)

I don't think super hot 357 is fun, but I do think normal to mid hot 357 rounds are fun.

Unless you reload you won’t likely tap into the blast potential. Blue Dot makes nice big fireballs in 10mm.

I personally prefer plinking with nice mild .40 wadcutters
I've said this before on another forum:

When we were all children, nearly all
in the big school yard played together
at the big sand box and most of the
rest of the yard.

But a small group of kids were always
off by themselves at a little sand box
and in the farthest point of the school

This latter group grew up to favor the
10mm and .41 Magnum. They were
as kids a strange bunch and
nothing changed as they grew up.

They might be lovable but nonetheless
strange, perhaps even weird.
If you like muzzle blast, IME Power Pistol is king. The only thing I’ve shot with more blast and flame is my .22 TCM, but being a factory only round for me at this point I have no idea what powder is in that thing. One last thing, those of us who favor the .41 Magnum aren’t weird, we just don’t follow the Lemmings of the world. ;)
I've owned a BUNCH of 357's over the years as well as a Glock 20 and 29. Never fooled with 10mm from a revolver.

With the best loads you will get almost identical performance out of both. It is possible to shoot 200 gr hardcast loads in either 10mm or 357 to 1300 fps.

Comparing loads fired from my Glocks vs "similar size" 357 revolvers I find 10mm MUCH more pleasant to shoot while generating almost identical performance.

Similar size is the key. My 4.5" G20 is about the same overall size as an L or N frame 357 with a 3" barrel. A 4" barreled revolver is a bit bigger overall. But when you start comparing 357 with 6"-8" barrels then 357 does move up a notch in performance over 10mm. 10mm from barrels longer than 4"-5" just doesn't seem to gain performance nearly as much as any of the 3 common magnum revolver cartridges, (357, 41, or 44 mag).

If you find muzzle blast fun and entertaining then hot 357 loads from shorter barrels is your Huckleberry. Other than just being different I don't see any advantage to 10mm in a revolver. If I wanted to be different with a revolver I'd go 41 mag.
I've said this before on another forum:

When we were all children, nearly all
in the big school yard played together
at the big sand box and most of the
rest of the yard.

But a small group of kids were always
off by themselves at a little sand box
and in the farthest point of the school

This latter group grew up to favor the
10mm and .41 Magnum. They were
as kids a strange bunch and
nothing changed as they grew up.

They might be lovable but nonetheless
strange, perhaps even weird.
In my circle we were very vocal about "don't call us normal" , at least on the playground.

Not so much a .40/10mm but definitely in favor of the .41 (and .22TCM and 7.62x25 but don't have a revolver for those)
Jetinteriorguy. I've noticed the same thing about Power Pistol. Can't quantify or explain it, but Power Pistol does seem to have an inordinate amount of muzzle blast compared to any other powder I've used in handguns....
The old 125 full power 357 was a nasty bugger but out done by the 180 Fed 44mag. From my 4" 629 if my mouth was open, I could feel the concussion on my front teeth when it went off!
And there's also a 10" 30-30 TC if you want a little more!