Fun and Games with Laser Sights


New member
When I was in LE we did a lot of building searches. Mostly alone. I use to carry a Mechanic's inspection mirror in my coat pocket for peaking around corners.

OK, now I'm retired and just "play". The last few years I developed a liking for CT Laser sights. Mainly I think they are a great training tool for dry firing, giving you instant feed back.

Now we know with laser sights you can get into some weird positions with out having to look down the gun's iron sights. Shooting under over and around things with less the perfect positions.

Lately I've been playing with my CT equipped 642 and my inspection mirror.

I realized you can poke the gun around the corner and use the mirror to line up the sights on the target fire the gun without being exposed.

It takes some getting use to, you get some weird positions trying to get the mirror and the gun on target and stay completely behind cover.

I got the ideal studying the use of periscopes in the WWI trenches, thinking this would have been handy if I had laser sights to go with my mirror when I was into LE.

I don't know how to make videos and post them so that doesn't help. But if you want a new shooting game, dig out your wife's compact mirror and your laser sights and so some playing.

Problem solved.
*IF you have a shoebox full of cash somewhere just collecting dust.

PS- for added fun, reflect the laser beam off of the mirror, around the corner to your target. Then fire away and see if you can get it to ricochet where you're aiming.:eek:

I had the opportunity a few years back to spend some time with a Clearshot. I can't tell you that I'd recommend one as a general purpose devise, but it did serve its niche role rather well.
Meant "Cornershot" in that last post. Don't know what I was thinking when I typed that out...