Fully auto handgun (video)

Easiest way is to join the military or become a LEO. Owning a converted Glock as a civilian would be a good way to end up with a long vacation at Club Fed.
They don't normally have those in the US Military. And, I believe that the only US Police Dept to use them is Texas DPS (State Troopers), unless I am mistaken.
I'm no expert on the G18, but that looked like a production G18 like one would find in Europe. I'm used to seeing them with much longer magazines though, like 35 rounds or something similar. The one in this video looked like it had the selector on the back of the slide, instead of on the left side.
A full auto pistol is not a new idea . Beretta had the 93R and many years ago the 96 Mauser had full auto versions .They aren't very practical and use lots of ammo.
I know they are illegal and I would never do anything to jeopardize my freedom or right to keep and bear arms. I just thought it was a cool video, i havent seen a fully auto glock before. :D
So if your a cop can you have a fully auto gun without a class 3 liscense?
LEOs can have full-auto guns if their department buys it and issues it to them. They do not and cannot own it. There is no such thing as a "class 3 license." A civilian and/or LEO can own a machinegun by paying a one-time $200 transfer tax per "transferable" machinegun to the government.
That's an aftermarket drop in sear made by FSS-G.
You can buy one if you have the jing there are a few transferables around of that sear.
Cost is somewhere near $12K for the sear. My cost as a dealer for demo is about $650 for the sear, need a demo letter as well.

That is NOT the G18...as it's aftermarket.
That link took me to pure pop-up hell - strange considering that my WinXP has a built-in pop-up blocker (which also came up along with the other 6 windows) - not doing that again. I sure wish that people who had 12k to drop for a sear would spend that money instead on suing the gov't for infringing our RKBA by making the cost of class III stuff prohibitive to the average joe. I don't have an overwhelmingly huge problem with background check/licensing in and of itself for class III, but it's the exhorbitant cost of the licenses and cost of the guns/parts (as a result of gov't red tape) that I think infringes our RKBA. But back to the subject at hand....