Full30.com. New Video Channel. Dump YouTube (Spread The Word)


New member

Time to dump YouTube and move over to Full30.com. Spread the word. This post will be duplicated and placed on other gun forums to get the word out.

“YouTube has updated it’s policies regarding videos featuring firearms, and it could result in a whole lot of gun-related content being removed from the site.

Here is how the YouTube policy on firearms content now reads:
YouTube prohibits certain kinds of content featuring firearms. Specifically, we don’t allow content that:

• Intends to sell firearms or certain firearms accessories through direct sales (e.g., private sales by individuals) or links to sites that sell these items. These accessories include but may not be limited to accessories that enable a firearm to simulate automatic fire or convert a firearm to automatic fire (e.g., bump stocks, gatling triggers, drop-in auto sears, conversion kits), and high capacity magazines (i.e., magazines or belts carrying more than 30 rounds).

• Provides instructions on manufacturing a firearm, ammunition, high capacity magazine, homemade silencers/suppressors, or certain firearms accessories such as those listed above. This also includes instructions on how to convert a firearm to automatic or simulated automatic firing capabilities.

• Shows users how to install the above-mentioned accessories or modifications.”


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Yeah, Youtube with these new policy changes has killed any interest I had in starting a channel. I won't do anything that supports them with ad revenue even if my account isn't monetized.

Full30 and whatever else is the way to go, but really, this is all canary in the coal mine stuff. Eventually ANY youtube video that doesn't agree with Google's political opinions will be deleted and the channel given a strike.

It's too bad that there really are no other websites in 2018 that are as big as youtube that really allow free speech. I just hope that Twitch becomes that new big video hosting website.
Time for full30 to develop an iOS app.

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Andrew - Lancaster, CA
NRA Life Member, SAF / CRPA / FPC member and supporter, USCCA Member

Again, full30.com does not allow folks to add videos if they are not one of the select people there. So unless you are somebody like MAC, or Hickock45, you can't put your videos on full30. Right now, there are only 40 channels on full30, so unless all of your YouTube experience is only watching those 40 channels and nothing more, then yeah, dump YouTube. Otherwise, full30 is not a viable alternative.
Is YouTube ghost banning content? My stuff seems to still be there and contains content that would land in category’s you describe.
One would think that: the guns, knifes, hunting, fishing, hiking, and gear ppl would have an alternative site like pre-google youtube
• Intends to sell firearms or certain firearms accessories through direct sales (e.g., private sales by individuals) or links to sites that sell these items. These accessories include but may not be limited to accessories that enable a firearm to simulate automatic fire or convert a firearm to automatic fire (e.g., bump stocks, gatling triggers, drop-in auto sears, conversion kits), and high capacity magazines (i.e., magazines or belts carrying more than 30 rounds).

• Provides instructions on manufacturing a firearm, ammunition, high capacity magazine, homemade silencers/suppressors, or certain firearms accessories such as those listed above. This also includes instructions on how to convert a firearm to automatic or simulated automatic firing capabilities.

• Shows users how to install the above-mentioned accessories or modifications.”

I think YouTube is incrementally pushing out gun channels through harassment and the cutting of revenue sources. The advice I've seen is to back up your YouTube videos and put them on other sites when possible. I don't think there are a lot of practical alternatives to YouTube right now but that might change.
I wish the proprietors of full30 the best, and I really hope they can develop the site into a viable alternative, but as of now, it just isn't. The layout is clumsy and the content is limited.

It also does virtually nothing to advance the cause, so to speak, as it will never have the reach to people outside of the 2A community that YouTube has, piquing curiosity of potential future advocates. In short, it's an echo chamber.

Google/YouTube is like a drug to me, or perhaps more appropriately, a dealer. I hate that I love their products, but as I type this on an Android phone, with YouTube streaming though my Chromecast in the background, I am fully aware that detoxing from my Google habit would be painful.
It's going to take strong competition to alleviate the situation. It's coming. Facebook is in the news again for losing patrons. Patreon.com has stepped up to provide revenue for youtube videos google has sanctioned.

If the competition is serious and makes a big dent, Google and FB will change how they operate. If they don't, they'll ultimately fail or be limited to users of one viewpoint. That's how the cable news outlets work.

I had a look at inrangetv.com and full30.com, neither was very interesting. They'll need better programmers.
Full30 uses Flash which is dangerous in itself. But it has been time to leave YouTube for a while now. The whole idea of videos about guns on YouTube has always seemed weird to me. There just haven't been that many options.

But if you really want to do this.....your best choice is to run your own website. I can watch theyankeemarshal.com just as easily as YouTube.
While I admit that I am an avid firearms enthusiast and ardent 2A supporter, I have found that there are actually other things in life that I enjoy and care about. Some even more so than firearms (my family, for one). I like fine wood working, leather working, knife making... well pretty much anything that relates to old school/old world materials and craftsmanship. I admit, many of these interests are spinoffs from making my own firearm accessories... but alas I have found making "stuff" to be as enjoyable as shooting my firearms. So, with all that being said, I'm in the same camp as Mr. Guffey. There are other things in my life, and youtube caters to a broad range of topics. You can find almost anything there.

And I am a principled man. If a store bans the carry of firearms by the general public, I choose not to shop there unless I must have an item and there is no other source for that item. With today's open markets, I haven't run into that situation except with youtube. So yes I vote with my dollars... but youtube at this point has 100s of thousands of hours of educational content that interests me and there is currently no viable alternative.
I think YouTube is incrementally pushing out gun channels through harassment and the cutting of revenue sources. The advice I've seen is to back up your YouTube videos and put them on other sites when possible. I don't think there are a lot of practical alternatives to YouTube right now but that might change.
InRange TV is going to start uploading to Pornhub, so it's not like there aren't alternatives. Google/Alphabet, Facebook, etc... all those people can go to Hell as can advertisers who may be demanding these changes in youtube's policies.

The question is will Pornhub be interested in allowing [these] videos to be uploaded to their servers? The popular gun channels will certainly bring a lot of traffic to Pornhub and that means revenue and it's not like the gun channels are asking for money.
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InRange TV is going to start uploading to Pornhub, so it's not like there aren't alternatives.

That is easily the most absurd thing I've heard today.

I read an interestingly apropos article just a few minutes ago, about how Motor Trend (a long standing popular car magazine, if you're not familiar) is abandoning YouTube for their multiple popular video series. In it, they referenced how frustrated all of the paid content creators have become since it's become so much more difficult to earn enough money to remain profitable while maintaining the high production value the viewers have come to expect.

Gun channels bring a lot of users. You would think that they would be hesitant to alienate anyone (else) if they are at risk of a platform exodus.
That is easily the most absurd thing I've heard today.

I read an interestingly apropos article just a few minutes ago, about how Motor Trend (a long standing popular car magazine, if you're not familiar) is abandoning YouTube for their multiple popular video series. In it, they referenced how frustrated all of the paid content creators have become since it's become so much more difficult to earn enough money to remain profitable while maintaining the high production value the viewers have come to expect.

Gun channels bring a lot of users. You would think that they would be hesitant to alienate anyone (else) if they are at risk of a platform exodus.
And I'm sure you're aware that since the advertiser issues Youtube had last year that caused a lot of channels to go from making good money to basically nothing overnight that most of the gun channels are now supported directly by viewers through Patreon, so there is no real reason to stay on youtube and put up with the constant strikes people are receiving on their channels for giving their opinions that don't violate Youtube's terms of use.

The only benefit to Youtube is that it's a stable video hosting website, but so are a lot of the adult websites, most especially the one InRange TV are going to start posting to as it's the #1 adult website in the world.

Now, a gun channel isn't going to grow an audience unless it's on youtube or some other major mainstream competitor, but with the way things are going on youtube, I don't think any channels that focus solely on gun related content are going to be around long.

So the choice will eventually be either no new content and no more Patreon money or go to adult sites, keep making videos without having to conform to terms of use that is stifling your creativity, and possibly make money off both.

In fact, the more I think about it, the better of an idea it sounds. Given that a lot of young people in their late teens and 20's frequent websites like that, there's potential to grow an audience and not just any audience, but the EXACT audience that you want to reach: young adults.
I don’t know that gun videos going to Pornhub is absurd. It is a site that hosts and delivers a lot of video content to many users successfully and doesn’t seem all that concerned with social shaming. It is an odd combination content-wise; but they do seem well-positioned to pick up a variety of Youtube refugees if they branched out into a more traditional “channel.”
I don’t know that gun videos going to Pornhub is absurd. It is a site that hosts and delivers a lot of video content to many users successfully and doesn’t seem all that concerned with social shaming. It is an odd combination content-wise; but they do seem well-positioned to pick up a variety of Youtube refugees if they branched out into a more traditional “channel.”

And it gives you a great excuse if your wife spots it in your history. nah hunny dont be silly, was just watching reloading videos thats all :D
Jmorris said,
Is YouTube ghost banning content? My stuff seems to still be there and contains content that would land in category’s you describe.

The policy is supposedly "soon" to be in effect. What I don't like is that they are giving users the power to report videos to big brother to be deleted. That's a threat if I ever read one.

So what about one of the other mainstream video hosts like Vimeo?? Are they liberal gun haters too? Do they care about the politics as much? One thing is different.....they don't put advertising on every video......... I decided to check them out:

One of my short videos on YouTube is a little Case Kicker for a R.C. II.

I joined Vimeo (the minimum free plan) and uploaded that same video on it to compare it with YouTube.



Vimeo: Yeah! just click the arrow!


...........Notice any disadvantages? Me neither. Advantages? How about the direct embedded video instead of just the link?

Hint....click the blue GWS.....yes I loaded a couple more videos.....
Hint 2....click the blue Video Title.....that takes you to Vimeo where you can make it fill the screen.

Simple Simple! I think I know what I'm going to do.:)

Full30? Anyone else get a negative vibe of zealotry? Most of us here are grounded at the center, no left nor right radicals....just gun lovers and family and community protectors.
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