Full Power Loads In a 629?

Ronin 99

New member
Ok,so Smiths aren't as tanklike as Rugers and you should't shoot a lot of full power ammo but how much is too much? If I run 50 rds of .44Mag. 240gr JHP through it a week am I going to throw the timing off? Also have a question about CCI ammo with the aluminum cases like their .44Mag 240gr JHP. I tend to be wary of the inexpensive and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this round. I don't reload so that's not an issue. TIA.

Your 629 will last a long time with only fifty 'snot-balls' a week through it.

CCI Blazer is often the MOST accurate ammo through a specific gun, but it has been reported that some semi-autos choke on the aluminum case.
(And for you folks who use it PLEASE pick up your trash -those empties- after firing.)
I wouldn't hesitate firing full house loads through any modern firearm rated for that load. That's what it is there for. :)
I've owned mod 29's and 629's and have run LOTS of hot loads through them. Never had a problem with them. Of course I never exceeded factory ammo velocities with my relads.
I had sent an e-mail to S&W regarding my 629 to see if the 629 could handle the Federal 300 Grain Castcore (product # P44E). S&W said it could safely handle this load.

Muzzle Velocity 1250
Muzzle Energy 1040
My Model 29 has had no problems. But what I have shot in it has almost entirely been handloads - 240 cast semi wadcutters @ 900 to 1000 fps. Every once in a while I will shoot a box of Winchester USA's which is a 240 JSP @ 1180 fps. By once in a while I mean once or twice a year. If you only shoot single action, timing isn't really an issue anyway. If you cock the hammer quickly the momentum should rotate the cylinder into place. I have seen many revolvers that failed timing checks that were perfectly safe to shoot - no spitting or shaving - as long as they were fired SA only. Don't worry excessively about it.
I use full powers with my M29 no problem.

But there ARE some out there that basicly load what I think of as Suicide Overloads Thru Super Blackhawks and Redhawk revolvers.

The Ruger guns ARE very strong and do not blow up immediately, but it is still taking a chance with how overbuilt they are.

I know EXACTLY how 'overbuilt' they are; they are WAY overbuilt.

(Blowed up me 44; me 357, 41, and 45 haven't even GRUNTED yet...)

Something about 357/180's, 44/300's, and 45/heavies that makes me want to see how fast they can REALLY go.......

There were durability enhancements made to the 629 after the 629-2 was produced. Even so, I fire factory .44 Mag loads through my 4" 629-2 without a worry.

If your 629 is a 629-2E, or 629-3 or later, you should have no problems.
629 Reloads?

IF YOU RELOAD....240gr bullet
Load no more than 19 grains of 2400
Do not load 4227...to hot
W-296 is to hot.

Go with the low to middle loads in your manual.

Remember that your barrel is PROBABLLY pressed in and not PINED IN. Too hot a load will cause
1. The barrel to turn and cylinder will not close.
2. After strightening it several times, the rame
will stress and will require a new frame.