Full Moon Clip Holders


New member
I need a couple of full moon clip holders (similar to speedloader holders) for a 1-1/2" belt that I can use during IDPA matches. I ordered several from TK Custom (from whom I ordered the clips) -- they look pretty slick and hold two loaded clips on each holder (one up and one down), but since they look strickly competition (no securing strap) I don't think they'd be approved for IDPA. For IDPA, they'd have to be something you would wear on the street for revolver CCW.

Anyone got a source for belt-mounted full moon clip holders? Also, do you know if the same holders can be used for .40 S&W and for 10mm Auto? Thanks.
Strangely enough, IDPA allows the spring clip "Shoot the Moon" clip clamps while not permitting the same type of speedloader carrier. I didn't see the two-clip holder on the TK site; but I'd take them to a shoot and see what happened.

Or e-mail IDPA HQ and let them decide.

I carried my reserve clips in a cheap nylon speedloader pouch, but now you can only have three loads on your belt, two in front of the holster, one somewhere else. So they had just as well be in the fastest holder you can get in.

Forgot to ask....

If necessary, will IDPA allow me to carry full moon cips in my pants pocket or jacket pocket? Thanks.
Dillon sells clip clamps, I don't know if they are the Shoot the Moon brand or another, but they are similar to what TK illustrates, except that the center post is plastic with flutes to align the rounds.

You may carry ammo in your pocket. What is more "street" than grabbing your gun and dropping some extra ammo in a pocket, instead of kitting up with pouches or holders? When I shoot revolver, I always have a speedloader or clip in my right jacket pocket. If I am standing up to reload, I can get at it quicker than from my belt. If I am kneeling and the jacket is wadded up, there are the holders on my belt.
They are allowed by IDPA and they work great. They will hold 10mm or 40 S&W equally well...


I've had good luck using leather Speedloader Holders, too.

I didn't know about the limit of three reloads in IDPA. You can either look for a single holder, or just cut a double holder in half.

Anyway, mine holde two full moons in each pocket, though it is a little slow to get to the one on bottom.:D
