Full Igloo!


New member
Have a 120 qt Igloo full of venison waiting for me to finish my coffee and get more vacuum seal bags.:D Spent the last five days on a management hunt on my brother's deer lease, got a nice adult spike and a doe. Spike was first kill with my new Super Grade M70, doe was first kill with a cast bullet. Doe pic on a thread in the casting section.
My brother shot a big-bodied 11 point with a basket rack, all good management deer. He's still looking for a trophy but at least our freezers are full.


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I like the M70 as well, this one's almost too pretty to take hunting. Think you're right on the good eatin', don't need any more mounted critters around here and I don't have a single recipe that calls for horns.
Both bucks taken with my reloads, BTW.:D