Full Faith and Credit (for guns)


New member
Why is it that if I buy a vehicle that meets the emission requirements of my state but move to one where it doesn't I can keep the car but if I have a gun that is legal in my state but move to one where it isn't I can't keep the gun. If I can keep it I have to get some special license or permit.

Doesn't make much sense to me. I think it's because there are alot more vehicle owners than gun owners. A vehicle can be seen as a need (to get to work) but a gun is not.
Why is it that if I buy a vehicle that meets the emission requirements of my state but move to one where it doesn't I can keep the car ...

They could prevent you from licensing it in the new state if they wanted to.

Full faith and credit is for legal/court actions.
Arrest warrants, etc.

The only reason your drivers license is valid everywhere is that the states all agreed to honor them.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Notice there is nothing about general laws, licenses, permits, etc.

I had to go through hoops in each state I wanted to practice as a Professional Engineer.
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Regulatory goons will do whatever they can get away with in a given locale; you get to decide where you live and what you'll put up with.
brickeye said:
Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
Notice there is nothing about general laws, licenses, permits, etc.
What do you think "public acts" are?
A marriage ceremony is a public act. A state issued license is


The marriage license is good in a single state/county/city (depends on the location).

The marriage is recognized everywhere.
I think for the most part it has to do with taxes... You can probably (with a little research) find the right steps to get the right permissions, permits, stamps or licenses to take whatever guns with you although silencers can be a problem area.

I think for the most part the state and county just want the taxes and the right paper work.
The marriage is recognized everywhere.
Patently untrue. The Federal Defense of Marriage Act explicitly allows individual states to refuse to accept/honor marriages between same-sex couples executed in other states.
"Patently untrue. The Federal Defense of Marriage Act explicitly allows individual states to refuse to accept/honor marriages between same-sex couples executed in other states.
csmsss is online now Report Post "

And it is ONLY for a specific federal law that it does not have to be recognized.

A federally allowed exception to 'full faith and credit.'

If you do not marry 'same sex' the marriage is valid everywhere.
Point being that "full faith and credit" can be abrogated at the whim of Congress and the President.
Bingo. The difference between a network of voluntary statewide reciprocity vs federally mandated reciprocity is like the difference between a net and a single strand of twine.
"" Why is it that if I buy a vehicle that meets the emission requirements of my state but move to one where it doesn't I can keep the car. .. "

Not quite true.

Most states ( except CA ) follow the Federal emissions requirements for new cars and not their own. This makes acceptance more universal since they are looking towards the same rules.

If a non CA spec emissions car is brought into CA it must meet CA rules/pay extra tax/ be retrofitted with devices/ meet year of manufacture specs.

If someone builds a road legal dune buggy in OH and tries to bring it to another state, the incoming state can refuse to title it because it may not meet the new states safety requirements.