Full Autos in Crime Statistics


New member
Anyone have a quick link to some reliable statistics regarding fully automatic firearms used in crime?

I know the number is so low as to be non-existent, but I need a specific number if possible.

I believe the grand total of crimes committed with a legal machine gun since 1934 is one. And it was a police officer that did it if I remember correctly.

I'm sure there have been more crimes committed with illegal ones though.
That's pretty well what I remembered, too, but I'd like to see some source data from somewhere.

It depends on how you define a "crime" with a machine gun. If you define a "crime" to be mere possession when the government says the possessor shouldn't have the machine gun, then there'll be quite a few. If you mean an illegally possessed machine gun that's used in a violent crime, then there'll be a lot less; not nearly as many as a lot of people would like you to believe. If you mean a legally possessed, privately owned machine gun that's used in a violent crime, then the number is in the single digits.