Full-Auto Pistols

Alright, so there is the Stechkin

and the Glock 18

Did any other manufacturers ever make simmilar lead-hosers?

What's the deal with these things... can you even keep them on target? They seem like they might be more dangerous to the ceiling than anything else.
Don't forget the C96 Mauser select fire version. Or that some S&W 5906's were made FA. Some 1911's were made FA.
I like these Machine Pistols better than the cut down smg's like the mini uzi, mac 10, mp5k, etc. When you have to conceal a gun with lots of firepower for surprise CQ engagements, I believe real MP's are much better in terms of size, weight, and ergonomics.
Mexico also made a machine pistol called the Trejo - in .22 It was constructed very well.

And yes, Star made select-fire pistols in 9mm and .45. Pretty much looked like a 1911 frame with a selector switch on the ribbed section of slide underneath the rear sight.

Yes, Mauser made the Schnellfeuer C96 - clones of which were also produced by Astra and Royal. One Astra model even had a 'clock' in it (model F) that gradually reduced the rate of fire in order to keep weapon controllable.
"When you have to conceal a gun with lots of firepower for surprise CQ engagements, I believe real MP's are much better in terms of size, weight, and ergonomics."

Is this about pistols with an automatic fire capability? Have any of you guys ever actually fired a full automatic pistol? I have fired several, and they are jokes. Even with a shoulder stock, they are uncontrollable and almost guaranteed to empty an 8 or 10 round magazine before you can shut them off. With practice, you can get bursts or 3-4 shots, but even then the first, aimed, shot will hit the target and the second might, but the rest will go off into the "wild blue yonder."

The only full auto pistol I ever liked was the micro UZI. It had a laser sight and even shooting at full auto it was very easy and comfortable to shoot. I seen videos of Glock 18s being shot and I don't get how you can even be remotly accurate with that thing without the use of a stock.
Actually the Schnellfeuer with shoulder stock is not bad on short bursts - at 15 yds I can get all shots from burst in the black. But yes, after that you are just spraying ammo.

Allegedly the Chinese (who LOVE C96's - like six-shooters in American culture) would use the full auto side ways and sweep it parallel to the ground. I have no idea how effective that is, but migh tbe good against a horde of baddies charging at you. I'd rather be behind a belt fed or running in that situation, but there you go.
Mac 11 in 380acp

Technically, not a machine pistol since it has a stock. By size, however, its right in the MP ballpark; the receiver of the SWD M11A1 (.380) is exactly the same length as the slide of a Glock 17.