Full auto handguns


New member
I recently saw a British show "Bodyguards" where the British agents used full auto handguns.

Does anyone know anything about these?
Spray and Pray

Probably a Glock 18 or a Beretta 93-R. Those are the ones I know of and considered the best of the breed. They may look cool on TV but talk about "spray and pray". Full auto pistols are indiscriminate even in trained hands. I think thats why they never really caught on with too many military or police organizations. But terrorists and gangbangers would love to have'em.

This thread probably belongs in the Full Auto section though.
There is also a Russian pistol, the Stechkin, that is supposed to be a good full auto. It can be used with a sholder stock.
The Beretta 93-R is 3 round burst only and has a small folding stock that can be attached.
The H&K VP-70 was also full auto, but only with the sholder stock attached. It housed the automatic mechanism. Cool
And lets not forget the Czech Skorpian, .32 cal.

And what is the MAC-11 rate? About 32 rounds in 1.5 seconds.

I would be happy to add any of these guns to my collection!
Also the Beretta M93R AG


[Edited by Gabe on 02-26-2001 at 10:57 PM]
A fellow student at LFI a couple of years ago brought a Browning Hi-Power that had been converted to full auto. You should have seen Mas Ayoob's face light up when he got the chance to run a full magazine through it! Very cool!

Not the piece that student trained with, however. Don't think I'd want to carry a full auto pistol for defense . . .
I'd love a Glock 18 or a Mac 10. Those are awesome guns! Any gun that is capable of spitting out that much ammo in so little time is very impressive (and fun) in my book. Might not be super accurate, but still....

Here is my PreBan M-12. It is semiauto and 380ACP...

I have a FEG 22 caliber PPK clone which goes full auto with federal gold ammo, for seven rounds anyway. And with a 22 they all stay center mass.
A cute toy, but I have a hard time seeing the purpose of one. Handguns are hard enough to aim as it is. Add in full auto and it seems to me you'd just run out of ammo a whole lot faster.

The only nodern full auto pistol I have shot is the Beretta 93R. It is a well thought out design. The combination of its muzzle brake and three round burst limmiter make it controllable and accurate enough for combat shooting.
The owner of a gun range I go to has a Beretta. I can't say which model but I saw him empty off 3 rounds before I could blink.

Pretty cool.
I can't think of any good reason to have a full auto pistol. If one needed full auto in a small package just get a SMG. But I am not a big fan of the spray and pray philosophy anyway. I am more into the one shot one kill, well aimed fire school. Although if someone could legally give me one I'd take it... So that I could sell the silly thing and buy some practical toys/tools. ;)
Stechkins have a horribly reliablity rate and jam a lot, thats why they were never made in large numbers.

I have seen a custom colt 45 go full auto.. looked about at acurate as throwing a handful of rocks downrange , given how far apart the hits were on the backstop.

I have fired a full auto mac 10 before, can't imagine trying it one handed.. that thing dumped 32 rounds in three trigger pulls.. bloody amazing.

With modern SMG's like the Bizon and HKmp5K available, why would anyone make "machine pisols anymore?? (note also most full auto handguns shipped with a shoulderstock or a second handgrip)
The Glock 18 (un-compensated), can be effectively utilized in it full-auto mode with surprisingly little training. Anyone already experienced with the Glock pistol really only needs a couple hours of quality professional instruction, and several days of the right kind of practice to MASTER it. That's right. With the proper instruction and practice, it can be MASTERED in several days--five days at the outside.

It is a myth that an automatic pistol cannot be adequately controlled. It cracks me up. Ask anyone who has a lot of experience with the Glock 18, and they will tell you that once you get the hang of it, it is no problem to control that gun. You can keep all of your rounds on a man-sized silhouette at 7 to 10 yards, no problem.

The fact is, a full auto 9mm Glock is no problem to handle if you have had the proper training. Now, do you want to use it for a headshot on a BG when they are holding the hostage in front of them? Of course not. However, in certain scenarios, it can be a very effective tool.
It is my considered opinion that machine pistols are not the best civilan defense choice (but they really are kinda' cool -- although my motto has been "if it ain't belt-fed it ain't $hit").

Just my full-auto thoughts.....
Viper hit the nail on the head. I have a video of Massad Ayoob blasting a sillouette target with a full auto glock and he was starting at center mass and staying there. the end result would have been a bad guy with 30 rounds of 9mm in the chest.

Impressive at the range, but in a real life SHTF situation, things may not turn out so nicely.

if i could own one, i would. If i had to defend myself with one, i would want the option of full/semi auto. Which the one in the video does have. Ayoob also seemed to make it shoot 3 shot bursts which he kept in the center mass region. Im not sure if this was a selector switch or if he just got it down to where he could make that happen. Either way, he made it very effective. And im sure in the right hands with the right training, it could/would be very effective in a real life situation.

Tim :)