Full Auto Handguns

Doc reported in the Handguns Forum of this website that his Sig P220 went full auto. I also know of 1911s and S&W pistols going full auto. Discounting handguns which were designed as select fire weapons (i.e., Schnellfeuer Mauser, Glock M18, etc.) does anybody know of any other make/model that rock n' rolls?

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited 11-04-98).]
Sears break, hammer (notch) breaks. Even the tip of a broken firing pins which protrudes from the firing pin hole can cause the gun to go full auto if you depress the trigger, rack the slide back and release it. Very Unsafe.

I wouldn't recommend breaking or modifying anything since firing a semi-auto pistol in the full auto mode when it wasn't designed for such is dangerous for you, bystanders, and could permanently damage the gun. Besides, the Feds will seize everything and the only compensation is free tennis lessons @ Club Fed.
Since we're on the subject, is it true that a weapon that malfunctions at the range, and goes full auto, places us in a potentially criminal position vis a vis, ATF regs.

I'm talking "practically", here, not "technically".
I think that would be a call by the agent on-site. Unless it was a totally stock factory weapon that hadn't been modified in any way I would think that yes you could be liable. I don't know if they would have much of a case though if they couldn't replicate the shooting (FA) of the weapon in question. No matter what the outcome I'm sure your whole day would be ruined by the "just some questions" game.
Everyone probably knows that you can get most MAKs to fire full auto using the "bounce" technique.
I've never heard of anyone getting into trouble for using a bouncing technique or having a legitimate malfunction.
Two custom rifles I got last year came with a warning that the use of "hyper-velocity" ammo could cause full auto fire. In a case like that I guess the ATF could make a case for illegal conversion. I was pretty surprised to see the warning in print like that.
Not everyone knows the "bounce" thechnique...I don't
. As the owner of a couple, tell me the trick.
Have you ever seen someone shoot with a "hellfire 2000" or similar trigger activator?

you actually support the gun with your off hand on the forestock and pull the gun forward into your stiff trigger finger. Your trigger finger is in the trigger gaurd pointing across your body.
If youkeep your trigger finger stiff and pull forward with your off-hand with the right pressure, then the recoil will cause the weapon to "bounce" on your trigger finger, simulating full auto fire.

you can guess how accurate this is. Although, once you get good at it you can tear up pumpkins pretty good.

BE CAREFUL about focusing your attention on what your hands are doing and pointing the rifle up into the air or down at your feet!!

(please don't try this
, but if you do, don't shoot yourself, your pets, your pals...etc
Yeah, I had a range instructor at my academy who could bounce his Smith & Wesson fully auto. The guy was a little bent in the brain for doing it... but Yeah, it can be done with a hand gun as well. But since there is no fore grip - doing so would seem to me too much of a risk to even think about trying! It was a 3rd gen Smith 9MM by the way - I dont have a decoderring to tell you just what model it was...
Doc reported that his Sig P220 had been serviced by a gunsmith in the Houston Texas area. According to the armorer who inspect Doc's pistol, some work resulted in unintended consequences.

As a cautionary note for all LEOs out there, reliability is the most important thing you want from your firearm. Othewise, all you've got is an impact tool. You can change sights without any repercussions, but little else.

If your department has an armorer, let that individual alone work on your firearm. If yours in incompetent (in which case he shouldn't have that assignment), send it to the factory/importer for service. Duty weapons are best kept to factory specs.
Doc reported that Sig has elected to replace his P220. As discussed in the Handgun & Pistolcraft forum, his P220 went full auto and resultingly, the frame cracked. Kudos to Sig.

4v50 Gary