Full auto AK47


My father is under the impression that he can own a full auto AK47 for $300-$400. I am admitedly uneducated when it comes to the NFA laws, they confuse the heck out of me. My understanding is that it requires an expensive application, and then expensive yearly fees as well. I have also heard rumors that this gives the government the right to inspect the storage of the weapons at any time without notice.

What would you expect to pay for a full auto ak47 in the USA?

Also, where is a good place to learn about NFA laws in a plain english way?
These gents are right, for $300-400 you'd get an extremely similar gun (virtually identical cosmetically) but with a different fire control mechanism that allows only semi-automatic firing. And I think you'd be lucky to get one of those for that price the way things are going now...
Your father is almost correct. It will cost him about $600 plus the parts that he will need to purchase (probably around $200) to make it an ILLEGAL full-auto AK. I believe that the penalty is 10 years in prison for possession and the fine is now ?$100,000 (??? - not sure about the fine).