Froze To Death ??


New member
As I sat freezing on my stand the other day I started wondering if anyone has actualy ever froze to death on his stand? I dont mean got lost in the woods or fell through the ice but sat there till he died.

I came close once, sat there freezing and shivering it was after all -6.
till all of a sudden I felt real warm and comfortable:) like I could just take a little nap till the deer came as I thought about lieng down under the nice big cedar, I remembered what I had read about hypothermea :eek: and got my frozen but out of the woods

so has anyone heard of someone dieng out there or are we all just coming close?
My nephew came by one morning in northern illinois wanting me to go deer hunting with him i looked at the thermometer it was 14 below zero told him he was an idiot to want to go. But i grabbed my bow and went:o That didn't say much for my intelligence but a bad day in the woods beats a good day somewhere else so i went.Didn't see squat.But i would have frozen to death before i admitted i wanted out of the woods before he did. So someone had to of frozen on a stand. I would have if he didn't call it quits first :D we stayed there til about 10:30 or 11 oclock am.
I stayed in the woods to long one time in upper Michigan. My feet froze! I will tell you I was cold. But I wanted to stay put till dark. When I got up my boots were froze and would not bend. I had to walk a little over a mile back to the house. Buy the time I got to the house everything was working fine. The next morning skin was peeling off my feet. Like a real bad sunburn without no sun. I'm sure that was some level of frostbite. The next time I go north to hunt I'm going to have better boots.

that actually is frost bite. your lucky they didnt turn black, if they had you might have lost your feet. better boots are probably a good idea.
I'd bet a good sum that MANY have died just like that. I've heard that at some point, you get so cold that your body goes from being in pain and trying to get you to move, to giving up essentially, and giving you a euphoric feeling, like if you just went to sleep, everything would be fine. If you get that feeling, it's time to start moving and start a fire or get back to camp - now!

Ooops, now I see that you described that exact same thing - yep, you'd have died I'd bet had you gone to sleep.

O i know we gave them a good laugh at our expense. The deer had to be thinking that it was a little odd for them to be lower on the food chain than the hunters.You should have heard how much the home built wooden treestand groaned from being so cold it sounded like you was tearing down a house when i climbed it.
I've had frostbite on edges of both my ears. Very painful as the tissue thaws. I mean bad hurting. Now I always wear a jacket with a hood in case I forget my cap.
I wouldnt be surprised if a good dose of hunters have died in thier stands from extreme cold. In MN where I hunt, we are often out in sub zero temps and it really isnt pleasent, but with such a limited amount of days to be out there, a person does some stupid things. I imagine most frozen to death hunting stories involve alcohol. cheers :D
