Front site press and "Quick Kill"

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After successfully and quickly FSP double tapping 4 cylinders of 38+p thru the snub into 4 in diameter circles at 20 ft last week at the range I tried my uninformed interuptation of Quick Kill.

After a few dry fire points I put 3 cylinders thru …while quickly double tapping. I could not believe it! Pattern was in a 5 1/2 in diameter centered pattern but 3 inches high – except for a slightly jerked (3 in right) a flyer on the 3rd shot while my conscious brain did not trust the approach.

It is common to hear here ‘you’ll shoot as you are trained.’ That I believe is generally true but as demonstrated during many police shootings a whole lot of spray and pray goes on during surprise-startle situations. I like and trust FSP for other than virtual contact situations BUT I did like QK’s speed and that it uses the natural tendency to visually fix on and point to targets without the need to come back to the front sight to go. It seems we could use QK at modest distance (say 10-30ft) when speed is needed and FSP or sights beyond that as possible. I have not experimented beyond this.

Unlike me, many of you are instructors &/or highly trained and experienced so I am curious what you think about it.
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